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Overhaul peers over the mountain watching the Pro heroes round up the villains. "Well, it's time we pull a disappearing act, what are you still waiting for Overhaul?"

Compress turns around getting annoyed by his overly relaxed demeanor. "If we run they'll suspect something plus I'm not the running type you hurry off I'm not in the mood."

Hawks races to his agency surprised to fly past Rei at the park with Aiden and Dabi. "Rei." Dabi covers Aidens eyes when Hawks swoops in from out of nowhere kissing Rei. "You're not hurt ate you?"

She shakes her head walking back to the police station Kendo is surprised to see Aiden. Hawks being Hawks picks up Kaito throwing the blanket off of him so he can see his little wings move. Keiko has started making inaudible sounds, but he's close to babbling his brother is also getting the hang of using his wings though they are not big enough to support his body weight.

"Can we go home now?" Aiden asks and Rei nods Hawks leading the way back to the house. Dabi stops by the station to make sure Eri is okay taking her to UA using Kurogiri.

Endeavor takes the rest of the villains they managed to round up to a nearby prison taking them to tartarus straight away would be a stupid move. "Where's Hawks?"

Someone tells him about the agency blowing up lucky for him everyone was out and about looking for Rei all over the city no one got hurt. Mez smiles watching the twins stare blankly between her and Yuno.

"That's just tricky even for me." Dabi comments walking into the house holding some of Aiden's things that he left behind at the Todoroki's. "I have to go alright? Stay safe."

Dabi smirks at Hawks with his usual I'm about to do something dumb to piss you off look. He pecks Rei's cheek taking Mez by the hand leaving. They walk over to Dabi's old place to find Kendo rummaging through the place surprised to see it all burnt down.

"Isn't that the bitch Lady that sent you on a killing spree?" Mez asks looking at Kendo who is now confused about Dabi's relationship with the female next to him. "No, this is her twin sister. K this is Mez a Pro friend of mine and Rei's twin sister you met her earlier with her twins."

Kendo nods, "Hawks' wife." Mez nods turning to Dabi. "The twin sister also?" Dabi nods looking at Kendo looking around. "Let's go." Dabi goes to his place while Mez goes home she has been patiently waiting to let everyone know she's still alive.

"Where's Aiden?" Dabi ignores her feeling offended she would only ask now. "When are you leaving? Considering you would've never stepped foot in Japan if wasn't for Rei."

She looks up and smiles breathing in the cool air. "I can only stay for the weekend so I still have 3 days here. I could come back during my next break."


Kendo stares at Dabi in disbelief. "I get you're upset right now Dabi I am too I didn't mean to get there and fall for another man it wasn't my intention to do so. This long distance thing never works anyway."

Dabi stays quiet he knows better than too open his mouth right now all that's on his mind is Aiden who is up with Hawks because he can't sleep. He made the wrong call and he nearly sent his sons to the grave.

Aiden offers him a glass of water and sits on the floor like he usually does when he watches TV. Rei walks into the room worried about the two of them. "You guys okay? I'm worried."

Hawks flies over the couch giving Rei a tight hug. "I don't know what I'd do without you, I love you so much." Rei hugs back she winces when he squeezes a bit tighter. "Ow, my boobs hurt."

"I just want to make love to you and those hurting boobs that give life to the two most precious things I never thought possible. I know I don't say it enough, but I appreciate you and your kick ass motherly instincts I'm grateful you kept my child and never had a second guess about it when you found out you were pregnant.

"I'm sorry because it looks like all I did is slow your progress while your friends went on ahead. I swear I'll make it up to you and I'm the luckiest man alive to call a rare gem like you my wife."

Aidens eyes widen when hawks sweeps Rei off her feet kissing her passionately. "You're amazing and I will always protect you first I promise . I won't let you down no matter what."

Rei smiles happy to hear those words coming from him. She makes some hot chocolate for everyone sitting next to Aiden checking his temperature worried he's sick. "Are you sure you're okay?"

Aiden nods and she gives him a warm hug. "Alright enjoy your hot chocolate I'm off too bed." She stands up going to sleep after checking on the boys.

Aiden wakes up the next day and Rei just came back from a morning jog. Hawks won't admit it, but he followed her out watching at a safe distance. He followed her all around the neighborhood. "Baby don't push yourself so much. You'll be back in shape in no time though I font know who told you you're out of shape. I want names and an address by the end of today plus I already called the insurance company I've been meaning to relocate my agency and I found the perfect spot around here, after the soil tests I can start building I was wondering if you'd draw the plans for me."

Rei smiles brightly Hawks leans in for a kiss, but Kaito starts crying her head turns and he pecks her cheek inside. Rei turns back to Hawks pecking his cheek rushing over to the boys room. Aiden already used his quirk to warm the baby milk similar to what he does with his tea if he let it sit for too long.

Kai is no longer crying having a bottle of formula instead. "Can I have some? It's really nice." Rei nods before leaving with Aiden. "Where are you going?" She smiles brightly.

"Taking Aiden to school I seriously think he's ready."

Hawks flies into the shower taking his time before bathing and changing the twins catching up with Rei while Mez wakes up at home getting spoiled rotten by his mother grateful she's alive.

"You're so brave sweetheart, your line of work is not for the faint of heart like your sister she did well to be born with looks I doubt without that pretty face she'd be much, but you have the beauty and the brains and you're able to do what I could not, be a great hero."

"Yeah, well my sister is able to do what I cannot mom, be a great parent she's a hero to her kids and a hero at heart able to save even the most broken of people. That's something I don't have and a man. I don't get it we look alike, what does she have that I don't? She acts weak and fragile I'm strong and I do things on my own, which do men prefer?"

"Both! You can't be two alpha's under the same roof and even if you are one will still be thee Alpha. She's not doing anything you can't do."

Mez nods smiling at her mother. "Anything she can do I can do better."

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