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Keigo wakes up when Keiko cries and Kaito sits on his face.

Rei opens the door and Aiden runs in first before she enters with Dabi right behind her.

Keigo hugs the twins getting a kiss from Rei glad the doctors said she was just over reacting.

"I'll take the twins and Aiden. Mez and I have a little surprise we've been working on." Dabi carries the twins winking at Aiden to follow him.

Keigo groans lowkey glaring at Dabi this is not the place to have such a serious talk, but it's now or never.

He takes Rei's hand into his, "Rei kiss me."

She leans in pecking his forehead, "Keigo you're doing that thing where you start scaring me a little."

He sits up and looks her in the eyes kissing Rei like it's his last kiss, "Rei I'm so sorry, promise me you'll listen until the end. Please."

She smiles nodding her head climbing under covers cuddling up to Keigo.

Keigo sighs telling Rei everything. From the real story behind the woman who claims he assaulted her to the many gold diggers and fan girls.

He holds her tighter when he notices she's trying to get out of his hold.

"Rei that's all my past I don't want there to be any secrets between us and I know you ..."

Rei kisses Keigo, "I forgive you."

He looks her in the eyes, "Just like that? You're not mad, or angry or ..."

She smiles, "No, you're really trying for me, our kids, for us. I won't hold your past against you."

Keigo kisses her forehead, "I don't deserve you Rei." He tears up and she cries on his behalf.

"Babe, please don't cry." He wipes her tears away. I'll be a better man, a better husband, and a better Father.

"Don't forget a better Pro." Rei adds smiling at him softly.

He nods, "That was already obvious. My whole life revolved around being a hero. Sure the dad thing wasn't planned, but it's no mistake you're the mother of my children."

Dabi on the other side of the door smiles. He's glad Rei listened to him. He always be there to put this family together.

One day he'll explain to Aiden why he has to Father's, but he doesn't seem to mind it at all, so he's glad about that.

He walks away with his hands in his pocket, "Screw up again, I'll kill you with my bare hands Keigo Takami."

Rei shudders instinctively cuddling Hawks, she has no idea where the feeling comes from, but she just suddenly felt protective over him.

Hawks looks her right in the eyes worried slightly.

"Promise me you'll never leave me Keigo." Rei requests suddenly with tears welled up in her eyes.

"I promise I will never leave you Rei. I'll always be here. Our family will never have to worry about me and my line of work."

Rei smiles pleased with the answer, "Good. I'll hold you to it."

They kiss and look each other in the eyes.

"I Promise you my Forever, through the ups and downs.


The End.

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