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Rei P.O.V

I watch Keigo at his desk and he turns and looks at me. "What?" He asks and I turn away.

"Nothing, I'll be a great mom and great architect too"

I sit down feeling exhausted and Keigo starts packing up, we go home and I sleep.

I wake up in the morning not feeling like I want to wake up but what choice do I have?

I drag myself out of bed and open the door showering and going back to bed.

I wake up when reality hits. I have an assignment due next week, I get up and start working on it.

Half way through it, I'm fuckin exhausted and I can't concentrate. Did I mention the fun Kinks of being kicked around from the inside.

*note the sarcasm.

I stare at my computer listening to music contemplating what I'll do once I get started.

After 2 hours of shamelessly contemplating how I'll deal with this paper the door swings open. I turn my head and expect to see Keigo but it's not him.

"Hey Rei, that is your name right? Rei Fume"

I throw a pen and he dodges. "You're with the league what do you want with me?"

"I'm here for Keigo Takami" I watch him get comfortable. I take my phone and dial Keigo.

No matter how I phrase this, it'll sound stupid. "Hey Rei"

"Uhhh, Keigo, there's a ..." The phone is snatched from my hand. I look up at the villain, he stares blankly at me looking me up and down.

He double clicks on my computer. "That site rewrites your assignments for you" he walks away with my phone.

I stare blankly. is keigo still with the villains? I thought he was working under cover.

I stare at the computer and check the due date. I email it to Emily and tell her it's due at Midnight.


*Emily: need anything else

*me: no, thanks a bunch for this

*Emily: no problem.

I watch a movie trying to keep an eye on the weirdo without making it obvious, but every time I glance his way he's already staring at me.

"So Keigo is having a kid huh? Any names?"

"No, well sort of, we agreed the first born will be Keiko, still undecided about baby number 2's name"

He looks up like he's pondering the thought for a minute. "Mmm, I can see why you only have one. Deciding on a name is a mind fuck"

I snort and cover my mouth. He's a villain, I cannot be caught laughing at anything he says no matter how funny or relatable.

I yawn and check the time. I seriously want to sleep, where the fuck is Keigo. Does he not understand the state of paranoia I'm in right now?

"Oh look, Keigo is calling" I turn and narrow my eyes at him. He rolls his eyes at me and there's a back and forth between the two over the phone call.

I wish I can hear what Keigo is saying,  is he seriously not worried about me being alone with this guy?

I sneak away and lock myself in the bathroom and take a long shower.

I sneak out of the bathroom. "Boo!"

I scream and slip, "fucking hell, what the fuck was that? You trying to kill me? Get the fuck out" Keigo laughs at me and I kick him.

"Sorry, wanted to make sure you weren't a clone or something"

I give him a hug, not that I was scared or anything I just couldn't connect the dots between Keigo and the villain being here.

"Should I ask?" He scratches the back of his head. "Can you trust that you don't need to know"

I nod and walk to bed, I laugh at the way I'm playing myself. I'm not sleeping anytime soon. Keigo pecks my forehead with a cheesy grin on his face.

"Let's play a game of chess, I'll teach you if you don't know how" I nod and he leaves for about 10 minutes tops coming back with a bunch of toys.

I look at him, if he went out and didn't bring anything back for me, it's a divorce right here right now.

"Got you your favourite"

My face lights up. He chuckles before we start the game of chess.

Hawks P.O.V

I watch her sleep for a minute before I grab my jacket and walk into the living room. "I didn't come here to wait for you I'm not your wife"

Dabi opens the door and I walk behind him. "You weren't specific about the when part of this arrangement"

He scoffs and I ignore him. He's been moody for weeks now I don't get why. "What's got that stick up your ass further up?"

He turns around and glares at me. I want answers not death glares. "The shie Hassaikai are back, you know the leagues history with the group and for some reason, Overhaul has his quirk back"

He pauses and clenches his jaw. "The only reason I got in contact with you is because you weren't involved in whatever mess we got ourselves into, and ..."

For the rest of the trip he doesn't say anything else after that, I'm about to have a mental break down because I need to know what's going on here

He opens the door and I follow him into the motel room. Compress and Toga glare at me. "Keep your cool crazy girl, I told you I had a bad idea"

"You know spinner isn't here to talk some sense into her, are you sure you want to open that door?" Compress asks

I watch the back and forth in the room like I'm not here. "Look, he's the only option I've got, kill him after we kill the shie Hassaikai I don't care but I need him alive right now and that's all I care about"

He grabs me and glares at me. "Keep him safe or you're dead" he let's me go and opens the door they were arguing about opening.

"This is Aiden" I watch the sleeping baby and look at him, I already have 2 on the way a third would strain Rei, hell, She'll have my head.

"Where's his mother?"

The rest of the league give me sympathetic looks. I look at him and he's quiet. "The Shie Hassaikai got her"

Spinner announces walking into the room, Shigaraki glares at me before acting like I'm not in the room.

"You owe us for twice Hawks, tell yourself you were fulfilling your duties as a hero all you want but the fact still remains that he was family to us and we won't forgive you no matter what"

"Geez, just kill me than"

"We will, but for now we need Dabi sane and you baby sitting is the first step to cooling his hot head"

"I seriously don't think I can" spinner cocks a brow. "Why the fuck not?"

"I have twins on the way" dammit I wasn't planning on saying that but I seriously need to think this through.

"I don't think you get how this works chicken roast. You don't have a choice"

Everyone but Dabi is talking, he's just staring at the red head on the bed. "Look, I'll try and take him for a few days but if Rei says no, I can't say anything else about the matter"

Gosh, how am I going to explain this to my wife. Hopefully she'll wake up in a mood and won't talk to me for a day.

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