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I get home and hit the books I can't afford any distractions I study architecture I don't see what I'm needed for in a board room.

After an hour of looking for my phone I realise I flushed it and I want to lose my fucking mind. What the hell was I thinking?

You weren't thinking that's what's up.

I just want to fucking scream, I'm falling apart here. My door opens and I scream when I turn around. "Fucking hell couldn't you just knock first?"

"Sorry, I heard you weren't doing so well and I needed an excuse to get out of that meeting, I called and when you didn't pick up I got worried. You're always glued to your phone it's impossible for you and that thing to be separated"

"I flushed it" he looks at me and laughs. "I'm fucking serious" he laughs even harder and it pisses me off. I grab the scissor on my desk and throw it at him. He stops laughing and gives me a surprised look, almost confused even.

Dammit now I feel like crap for doing that. "Rei? Are you going to tell me what's going on" I open my mouth to talk but I croak. I'm too scared to say anything, he stands in front of me and I look away.

"Hey, tell me what's going on. We talked about this"

"I'm pregnant" I look at his feet because they usually do more talking than his mouth. Well I mean talking sense anything else I doubt there's a lid for his mouth.

"My child?"

"Huh!" I look up at him and he's smirking at me, "sorry I needed an excuse to make you look at me, I want you to look me in the eyes when we talk about this, I don't want you to misinterpret any word or body language signal"

I hate it when he acts like this, when he gets into my head and worms his way into my heart. "You calm yet?" I nod and he smiles sitting on my bed with a goofy smile on his face. "Quit looking like you're enjoying this so much, also I want to hide this from my parents for as long as I can"

He nods and kicks his shoes off getting comfortable. "It's a boy" he says out of the blue all excited and I want to choke him. "I'd like a boy too, wouldn't know how to raise a daughter anyway, boys are more fun too"

"Does you hiding them include hiding us?"

"Us? I thought you said .." His feathers tickle my face and I look at him. "I know what I said, but you can't tell me what I said and how I acted match. I care I just couldn't guarantee your safety and I couldn't risk it either"

I sit at my desk and we just sit in silence looking at each other. Another bastard just opens my door and I huff. "Oi you okay?" I nod and kick everyone out, I need to study.


*chicken foot: agency, friday, 18:55

*me: alright.

After class my friends look at me funny as I walk towards the residential office with them. "I'm moving here too, unless you guys don't want me here"

"Really? O.M.G we could be roomies" my friend Alex exclaims, that sounds like fun but I have my reasons for moving here and a roomie is not on the list.

"Not happening, you know which room I'm getting, my own room, kitchen and shower, you can help me pick an en suit next to your room if you like"

"Alright, this way"

After making the arrangements I get in the car and drive to hawks's agency I walk inside and he's talking to Kamui about something, I walk towards Grim at the reception and she smiles at me.

Baby Daddy || Hawks X OCWhere stories live. Discover now