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Rei P.O.V

I glare at Keigo and he goes to sleep, I sit up and try to go back to sleep but I can't.

I go to Aidens room and he's wide awake. "Hey Buddy, you can't sleep either?"

I sit next to him and he smiles at me, he's so cute. "Is dad coming to see me?"

"You miss him already? How about we do something to keep our mind of it"

He gets out of bed and we walk to the kitchen I open the fridge and try to see what's in here for a midnight snack.

I make milkshakes and we watch TV deciding to catch up on a series I had started a while back. Aiden seems very interested in it or I'm staring too much.

The door swings open and we both turn our heads, "dad" Dabi looks at me and scratches the back of his neck.

"I'm sorry I thought I packed everything, he can't sleep without this" he holds up the pillow and Aiden runs and grabs it.

I watch TV while they chat for a while but then Dabi walks towards the bedroom and there's a back and forth in there.

Dabi ruffles Aidens head before he leaves and I tuck the boy in. I go to my room and turn around when I see Keigo bruised up.

"Get back here Rei!"

I peak through the door and he flies past me getting himself an ice pack, I don't even want to know what it Is this time.

"That fucking Dabi. I'm going to kill him one of these days"

"Keigo there's a child in the house please watch what you say" I take a seat and sigh heavily feeling my mouth dry. "Please get me water, I like it cold by the way"

He flies off and comes back with a glass of water. He looks me up and down and kisses me before he hands over the glass.

"go to bed Rei, I'll take a day off and spend some time with Aiden, I accidentally mentioned him to endeavor so I think he wants to spend some time with him, I don't know"

"That's why you got your ass whooped isn't it?"

"Not at all, this is for something else entirely"

His expression darkens and I throw a pillow at him, I hate it when he gets like this. He scares Me.

"Go to bed Rei"

Hawks P.O.V

She falls asleep and I grab my jacket taking a walk outside, I need to relax.

I think I'm losing it, for a second there I actually thought Dabi has a thing for my wife, he's a total jackass but for some reason is nice to her.

I groan in frustration completely missing the stranger behind me. I turn around and a red haired female kisses me.

"Oh Hawksy, I missed you" huh! I font even know you. I jump back and look around if this is an ambush I'm dead for sure.

Dammit this is all that assholes fault, he shouldn't make it a habit to just show up at my place. In fact we're moving when Rei wakes up.

"Hawksy? Is it true you're married? Because you know. I'm going to have to kill her now, you love only me. You're Mine. All Mine"

Oh God it's another crazy fan, I'm going to put my family in danger if I don't get a better handle on this issue.

How come other Pro's don't have this problem. I'm starting to think I'm cursed. "Wait there for a second while I make a call" I'm calling the police and getting this girl counseling.

"Alright. Follow me and don't touch me" she hooks our arms together and I'm too tired for this. "Hey, what did I just say? Let go!"

"Mmm, so aggressive" she giggles with sadistic gleam on her face and I roll my eyes finally getting free of her.

We stop in front of the police station and she takes a step back. No way am I letting that happen. "Did I say you can leave?"

she shakes her head and I nudge her forward, we walk into the building and I leave her to the experts.

"Either someone is sending these crazy obsessed people after me or she's crazy. either way I don't want her bothering me, I have a wife that worries enough as it is"

"We'll get to figuring out what the real problem is Hawks"

Well duh, that's why I brought her here.

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