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Rei P.O.V

Dabi starts smiling looking like he's enjoying himself when he chokes her, "Dabi stop it" he turns to me and lets her go, all I wanted was to help Dabi find piece or whatever or some sort of comfort that his girlfriend is still alive getting caught in whatever this is was not part of the plan.

my mom wanted some time with the boys and I said I'd be back in a minute this is not a minute.

"alright, start talking" the woman takes a step back and Dabi grabs her throat, "this is why we should just burn her instead, she'd rather die than squeal and die she will" I grab his hand and stop him giving her time to run away.

dabi grabs my throat and glares at me with a look so full of darkness and torment, "if you think that I won't kill you you're wrong" he lets me go and I cough he lightly burnt my throat. "I hope the recording is useful"

I walk away and drive to my mothers place, I guess Dabi is really a bad guy and I was stupid to think either wise I mean how else has he been able to avoid the heroes for so long if not for him being the master of deception and fooling everyone around him.

he had me fooled thinking he's a good guy, he's not. "sweety are you okay?" I turn to my mom and nod, "yeah, I just had a misunderstanding with someone about some things" in the evening Keigo comes to get us and drives us back home, he was kidding himself if he thought he could take even a day off from his hero work.

"Rei is everything okay?"

"is everything okay? NO! I went to see Dabi today because I wanted to let him know that his girlfriend is still alive and instead he nearly burnt my throat for stopping him from burning someone else's throat, what scared me is the way he looked me in the eyes and had a smile on his face like a predator anticipating a kill he enjoys doing it and I'm the idiot that has been so naïve thinking differently"

I take a deep breath and Keigo pulls over on the side of the road, "I think the adrenaline got to you and now you're slowly crashing and it's mixed with a slight panic attack" he kisses me and looks to the backseat all the boys are sleeping. "no more traveling with the kids until their a little older I get that your mom wants to see them, but this is not the time for that"

"yeah, we already fought about that"

Hawks P.O.V

I carry the boys to bed before carrying Rei tucking her in, Kaito cries and I pick him up warming up his milk doing my best to handle this as a solo parent, Dabi walks through the door and I swear if it wasn't for the baby in my arms I'd kill him right here right now.

"look, I only came to apologise I snapped at the wrong person and I swear I'd never hurt her"

"Rei can take a beating believe it or not, it's hurting her feelings that I don't like, she's spent every minute of every day convincing me you're not as bad as you pretend to be and tonight you let your true colours show"

"cut the crap Hawks we both know you're happy about this"

"happy that she finally sees you for the lying, manipulative dick you are" I fake gasp, "not at all" note the sarcasm. "you're just lucky she'd never throw Aiden under the bus just because his dad is worth running over with one"

I burp the baby and change him before rocking him to sleep and waking Keigo feeding him as well, Dabi sits on the couch watching the blank tv screen staring off into space. "I came to apologise Hawks"

"I wish you never came at all"

"quit being so hostile"

"coming from you? how laughable"

Rei wakes up and I give her something to eat we've been working on my cooking skills and I finally know how to fry my chicken the way I like. "Hey" Dabi shows up from out of nowhere and I leave the room I trust Rei.

Overhaul P.O.V

I wake up and a blonde girl is smiling at me, "that's my new pet I've been using these crazy fan girls to throw Hawks off my trail he's getting warmer and warmer and I hate it"

"don't talk to me" she annoys me without even trying. what does she expect me to do with all that information. why do I sleep all day anyway? first chance I get i'm going to kill this bitch.

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