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Positive. Two fucking lines that's what I'm looking at right now.

"Rei are you okay?" My sister asks and I nod, "Rei?"

"I SAID YES!" jeez, can't she just leave me alone. I get up and destroy the evidence of my unfortunate case.

I wash my hands and sit down with my parents looking concerned. Truth is their fuming that I'm embarrassing them in front of their client. I bet they wish they left me at home.

In my defence I wanted to stay but they insisted on me coming here. "Sorry but I really don't feel so good, mind if I go home. I just want to lie down" my mom grabs the keys offering to drive me back.

The car drive is quiet but my mom won't stop looking me up and down. "Are you going to tell me what's going on?" I shake my head. The nausea gets worse when I try to open my mouth.

I get home and the anxiety is just too much, I get a bottle of water from the fridge and chug it down before resting on my bed. I wake up and sit in the living room. It's 6AM I probably should get ready for school.

I grab my bag and get to school. The nausea is giving me crap. Half way through my water bottle and I have to take a piss. I get up and just walk out of the class. I chose the seat right next to the door.

When I get to the bathroom I just throw up. This is just adorable. My final year is next year how the hell will I do this? Maybe if I ignore it the baby will disappear, it'll shrink back to nothingness, or maybe I'm dreaming me of all people having a kid with a pro, Hawks at that.

I laugh as the pain in my chest hits. I'm not having a kid with him. He's probably having a chill bath at home and is oblivious to all this. Maybe if I tell him things will be different.

I grab another bottle of water on my way back to class. The rest of the day is less hectic. In fact I managed to get back in my daily groove in fact I fooled even myself that everything is okay.

Getting home I text my friends to get started early on the group assignment we have due in 3 weeks. I would like to reduce the stress on my shoulders in anyway possible. I'll have to start studying early as well.

I sleep and wake up ready to study but my mom flings my door open and forces me to get ready for another meeting. "Mom I need to study"

"Ugh, don't argue with me, you're going. Now hurry up"

I grab a pack of peppermint gum and chew on it, it's a handy tip I googled this morning. We walk into the board room and I don't get why I'm here. My mom helps me take a seat actually opening my chair for me.

This is a little sketchy what's going on here? Why is she being nice to me? My sister walks in wearing her hero costume and behind her is hawks. We lock eyes and I clench my jaws when he waves at me. I wave back but now I'm piecing things together.

My mom would know what morning sickness looks like having had it the worst with 2 pairs of twins. Are they really going to exploit the guy? Oh goodness my parents might sell me off, their insane. Heartless in fact.

I walk to the bathroom and sit on the toilet seat contemplating my escape. My phone rings and I drop it into the toilet and flush. Screw this, I'm walking out of here.

I open the door and walk towards the exit. My sister stands in front of me smiling with her annoying smile in my fucking face. I don't want to see that happy look on her face, it's pissing me off in fact it's annoying me so much its like someone is grating my heart the way it bothers me.

"You okay Rei? Mom said you weren't doing so good yesterday"

"No. Mind taking me home Sis?"

She nods and I pat myself on the back for a flawless escape plan. Haa! I'm a criminal mastermind.


A/N- To anyone  interested, I just started a discord serve that aims to help writers. Improve, grow and learn within the writing community.

The server helps writers, with votes, reviews and reads. From different channels featuring Webnovel. Wattpad. Royal Road and more.

If anyone is looking to grow their fan base for a patreon the link will be in the comments section below as well as my bio.

P.S Enjoy the book!!!

Baby Daddy || Hawks X OCWhere stories live. Discover now