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"Your little baby is as big as an Orange seed right now, the little heartbeat is a bit low though, I don't think you've been eating properly, you'll need to eat more and stay hydrated"

"I thought eating less will stop the morning sickness"

"that's a common misconception, it's your lack of eating that perks up your sickness, it's bad for the baby and I think this little guy is off to a bad start I'll need you to come back next week"

Oh crap, Hawks is probably mad at me for this. On the drive back to Res I'm at a loss for words. "Rei, I'm not mad, quit acting so weird. I think my disguise was great what do you think?"

I think you looked ridiculous in that oversized coat and your jumpy wings that kept freaking out the doctor. "I think you looked great" the car stops outside and I glare at him. "My room is too far, get inside"

"This disguise is heavy and hot I wanna take it off" he whines like a child and I cross my arms. No way am I walking the whole way with everyone staring at me. Inside he insists on walking me to my room, "I thought it was hot and heavy in there chicken foot".

"Quit making fun of me" he opens my door for me and I step in sitting down.  5 weeks in is already dramatic. "You okay? Need anything? A massage maybe?"

"You're so supportive and  committed it's really adorable and I feel good too, I'm all good, shouldn't you be saving someone" he cooks for me lecturing me about not eating well, I knew this was coming. "Right now I have someone I need to save so he can see me become a great hero, my little orange seed in there is in real danger"

I groan as I look at the food, it looks nice and smells nice but I don't want it. "I want a fruit salad, meat is not on my list" he flicks my forehead and points at my fridge full of left over liquor. "My friends had a celebration, because I moved in i swear I didn't touch any"

He tosses everything out and looks around my room for anything else not safe for babies. The salad greens had to go to, anything I usually half cook as well. "Your whole fridge is full of high risk foods. No fish or any of that you need to eat more too" he groans and checks my snack drawer.

All my sodas are being thrown out not even being given away, my entire food supply is tossed out and I see him make a call barking orders before spending a while texting on his phone.

"You're upset about today aren't you?"

"Not upset, no. Just not okay with the idea of losing my child, I save tons of people out there everyday  but it's never shaken me like nearly losing my son. I need to know that while I'm busy out there he's safe with you"

"Are you trying to say I'm not safe?"

"You're not taking this seriously, what kind of idiot finds out there's another human being inside them and cuts back on food? Are you trying to lose the baby on purpose? Come on you have to be smarter than that"

I can't believe what I'm hearing right now, he's not serious. "That was reckless and stupid"

"OKAY! I heard you, geez" I cross my arms on the bed and he storms off. I drink water and check the time, it's 16:00. My 'morning' sickness starts tripping me up around these times.

I sleep to avoid the nausea, when I wake up it starts. The horror begins. Hawks walks in and just seeing his face makes me nauseous.

I sit on the toilet seat as my chest burns and I'm getting hot flashes. "Are you okay?" I want to nod but that would be reckless. "I feel hot and my stomach is cramping up"

"Can you walk? Or should I carry you to the car?" I get up and walk to the door and he drives to the doctor, I close my eyes and wake up when Hawks wakes me.

We sit in the cue and wait till she calls me in. she runs tests and chuckles, "I think there's a little guy we missed" she points on the screen and I don't get what I'm looking at. "It's twins"

Well that's my cue to pass out, "I'm right here Rei, I'm not going anywhere" Hawks whispers in my ear and I smile, I needed to hear that.

"Twins are more at risk of any complications through out the pregnancy, I'll run a few tests to see if it's anything to panic about"

Hawks P.O.V

its been a week and Rei is avoiding me. Her doctors appointment she rescheduled without telling me. Won't answer my calls, texts and I'm just about ready to fly over to her place right now.

"Hey boss, you good?" I look at Rei's twin sister and sigh. "Far from it, and you? How are you doing? Family okay? Your sister still sick?"

"I'm doing just fine and so is Rei, she came to see us yesterday we spent all night chatting and this morning she woke me up early before dragging me to the shower. She's feeling better now, says she went to the doctor and it's just a stomach bug"

I nod and get in my office hoping I can get a hold of her. She can't go radio silence on me. Can she at least tell me what the doctor said, if their okay or not.

I go outside and Patrol with Mesmerize, we bust a group of drug smugglers Kamui has been asking for help with around here. "Their getting away Hawks"

"Hey, don't follow them in there" she's already gone. The building blows up and I'm not sure if it's her or the villains. I wonder what my kids' quirks will be. I hope they have my wing quirk but I didn't see any wings there.

Mesmerize comes out holding the villains that tried to escape but as usual she was destructive and blew up an entire building.

"You went overboard again, my agency will be in debt by the end of this year with all the property damage you inflict"

"It wasn't me, they tried to blow me up but I'm fire proof. Let's go we can meet the police half way"

"it is faster than waiting" I use my feathers to carry them to the police station and hand over the drugs we found. I'm not sure I want to stick around for the interrogation. "Mez, you're on clean up and the damage for that building is coming off your cheque"

"What? It wasn't me"

"Riiight, like there's an actual bomb out there more destructive than your quirk"

The paparazzi swoop in from out of nowhere and Mesmerize soaks up the attention. I sneak away while I can and get to my place. I call Rei again and she picks up this time.

"What do you want?" She sounds angry, she's rarely pisses off. I really screwed up last time with yelling at her like that, she's not the kind of person to respond to an argument by keeping it going.

She stays quiet and minds her own business. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have said what I said even if I was scared and angry"

"I don't care" you always say that, and you care a lot. "I'll make it up to you, dinner tonight. On me"

"Do you think I need you to buy my forgiveness? I can afford the entire restaurant"

"It's not about the restaurant, it's about me and you together come on please, give me a chance to prove I'm sorry"

"I don't care"

"You'll text me where you want to meet and when and I'll come pick you up"


"Yup! Anywhere"

She hangs up and I look at my phone. She's probably texting when she could've said so over the phone.


*Snippet: your place. Friday, 18:55. Don't pick me up unless you're ready to tell me who you are.

*me: is this what this is about? My real name?

*snippet: no it's about the dead grand mother in your wallet.

*me: my wallet isn't that dry

*snippet: mine is, be a sugar and warp over some cash

*me: study rei.

*snippet: be a hero.

Of course I will. My kids are gonna look up to me as the best hero of all time. They'll be my biggest fans

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