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Hawks P.O.V

I sign off the papers and leave them on the desk, "how are the twins so far?"

"They're great, I was a little worried when she spent two weeks at the hospital, but now their at home and healthy I can't wait for today to end and I can finally go home and spend my time off with them"

I head out on patrol and my mission is to make this place safer for my boys. At the end of the day I go home and Aiden is talking to Rei.

I kiss her forehead and ruffle his hair going to check on the boys, only one is awake. I pick him up and walk to the living room.

"You guys left him bored and all alone"

"He was sleeping a minute ago"

I sit and watch him, I don't know what it is, but I could do this all day. After an hour Rei gets Keiko and feeds him while I change Kaito who was fed an hour ago.

Aiden is a great help especially when it's just the two of us watching the boys while Rei sleeps.

The timer goes off and I grab the baby bottles Rei's mother demanded that we get a breast pump and it's coming in handy because now she doesn't have to wake up for the nursing period.

My door swings open and Aiden smiles when he sees Dabi, how the hell did he find out where I live?

"Look at that, Daddy Hawks has his hands full" Dabi sits and talks to Aiden who grabs Rei's journal and shows him the notes she made.

Dealing with the boys is routine and as long as their every need is met they are just cool. Separating them is a complete no, no either wise you will have a twin tantrum on your hands.

Sometimes around 4AM they start crying for no reason and that's usually the time when Rei wakes up.

"She studying?" Dabi turns to me and I shake my head, "sleeping, she decided that she's dropping it for the first semester and will register again in the second half of the year"

"You really did a number on her career huh!"

"Shut up" you think I don't know that? If I could fix this I would too bad so sad this is the path she chose to take, she didn't want her mother raising her kids for her and I tried talking her out of it but she wasn't having that.

Rei wakes up and showers, I watch her walk back into the room. "Aiden out with Dabi?"

"Yeah, they'll be back tomorrow morning or so"

"Thanks for letting me get some sleep in I needed that" she pecks my lips and I smile pulling her closer and kissing her.

"Anything you need I'll provide it" she smiles and I take a shower too. Doing the same routine. "How long will you be off?"

"2 weeks, I'm sorry I can't make it longer"

"No, 2 weeks is cool"

I make breakfast, or lunch, I don't know what time it is I just want to make sure she's eating enough and hydrated.

"Did you tell Dabi where we live?"

"Yeah, he said he wants to see Aiden"

"You do realise that just because we're baby sitting for him it doesn't change the fact that he's a villain"

"It kind of did in my head, it's really hard to see him for the villain he is when he's such a great dad"

"Well, I'll keep reminding you then because I don't like that you told him where to find my sons and wife"

"Are you trying to make a point?"

"I hate him, I don't trust him, I don't like him and I don't want him anywhere near my family"

"Alright, I'll talk to you first from now on, I'm really sorry if it's making you worry so much"

"It's fine, think they'll want to be heroes?" I hold Kai so he sleeps in my arms sometimes he doesn't want to sleep in his own bed and instead sleeps in my arms.

"Keigo is he restless again?"

"No, what about on your side?"

"No, you don't think they were having nightmares do you?"

I chuckle and watch him closely, he looks at piece to me. "Rei you're being paranoid, let's just do our best to avoid those nightmares"

I take a nap when they fall back asleep and wake up the next day with Kai on top of me wearing something else.

I pick him up and walk downstairs, Dabi is here again leaning over the counter and flirting with my wife, why the hell does he smile at her?

"Keigo, look" Aiden shows me a new stuffed animal and I smile, Rei has a point though. It's really hard seeing Dabi for who he is when he's so perfect with Aiden.

He's a great dad and that only pisses me off more.

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