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We arrived at Scott's house; we entered the building. The second I locked the door (as Scott was the first one in), he pressed his lips against mine. I fell back, so I was up against the wall. Eventually, I melted into the kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck. I could tell he missed this, as he held me the closest I've ever been with him. He pulled away first and placed his hand on my head, then pulled me into his chest.

"I've missed this," Scott started. "It was torture today, trying not to kiss you or hug you. I hated every second." He put his chin on the top of my head and started swaying lightly.

"I'd be lying if I said I didn't hate it too, I needed a hug after the media and Ed."

"He is an idiot for being sexist. I wanted to punch him in the face when I saw his smug face." He tensed up, and he looked pissed off, going by his facial expression. His knuckles turned pure white.

"Hey, hey," I started. I looked at Scott, straight in the eyes, maintaining contact. "Don't get angry about Ed. He's a dickhead. Don't let him take over the way you work; he's not worth it," I pecked his lips. He closed the gap between us again and kissed me. It became heated quickly. He pressed me against the wall, causing me to gasp, allowing his tongue to slide into my mouth. His hands lifted my shirt; his thumbs drew circles on my defined abdomen. If this is the way Scott dealt with his anger, I certainly would not be complaining. He kissed me lightly, finishing the kiss, and brought me into a hug instantaneously.

"Do you want to watch The Fugitive? You mentioned it was your favourite film the other day."

"Yeah, it'll get my mind off of things. You're a star for bringing that up, love."

He began walking to the sofa when he suddenly began kissing my neck. Pressing his lips delicately against my skin, kissing it gently and then moving his lips slowly to another patch of my neck, and repeating the action. His warm breath rode down my neck and chose the bumpy part of the road, my spine. It triggered me to shiver before he sat down on the seat, continuously placing his lips to my bare skin. He grabbed the remote and got The Fugitive on then pressing play. I moved so I could watch the film with him. He continued to set his lips on the other side of my neck.


During the film, Scott nuzzled his nose in the crook of my neck. He smiled and mouthed some of the words; he liked this film a lot. When the film finished, it was around nine, so I changed into my pyjamas and Scott did the same. He sat back down on the sofa while I made us some cups of tea. Once I made the teas, I walked into the living room, where I handed Scott his drink. He mumbled a quick 'thanks' and began drinking. I shuffled up to him; he slung an arm around me. These were moments we steal and treasure forever. When our cups were empty, we chatted about random things. Slowly, but surely, I became tired and yawned for the first time that night. He became cuddly and wanted to be with me at all times. After a couple of minutes, I yawned again. Scott stood up and offered me his hand. I grabbed it and stood up next to him. He wrapped his arms around my torso. He held me close as I asked him, "Why are you becoming cuddly all of a sudden? I'm still enjoying it, but I'd like to know why."

"It's because you're tired. I want to be with you for all of tonight given the craziness of today. I'm attempting to become tired, so I can cuddle with you while you fall asleep and I can sleep shortly after, knowing you're dreaming."

"Aww, Tommy, that's so sweet! When do you want to cuddle?"

"Now." He picked me up; I squealed quietly. I gripped onto him and wrapped my legs around him as he delicately walked up the stairs. We got to his bedroom; he sat down on his bed and lied down on his side. I unravelled my legs from his body and comfortably rested next to him.

"Let me hold you, turn around," Scott whispered in my ear, so I did what he asked. He moved so his chest would be against my back, and his shins were against my calves. He wrapped his arms around my body and started saying sweet nothings in my ear. My eyes closed; I was soon asleep. Scott said one final thing and kissed my cheek before putting his head on the pillow and falling asleep himself.

I knew what he said.

Three little words.

I love you.

I muttered I love you too under my breath, but I'm not sure if he heard.

Now one question was floating freely around my head.

Did he mean it too?

Or was he planning to say it many times, but in the end, fake it?

Was I falling too hard, too quickly, but for the right man?

Or was this going to be a repeat of my ex?

i love you - scott mctominayWhere stories live. Discover now