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My first instinct was to ring Scott. He seemed someone who would take this seriously.

I dialled his number in my phone and rang him.

"Hey y/n, what's happening?" Scott asked.

"Can I come round to yours for a little while, I can't go home after what I've just seen," I responded sorrow laced in my voice.

"Yeah of course, what happened? You sound upset. I'll come pick you up. Go to y/f/park (your favourite park), if that's too far tell me where you are." He asked with concern.

"I'll tell you what's happened when you pick me up, and I'm already at y/f/park. It's my comfort place here."

"Okay, love, I'm coming, stay with me on the phone, yeah," Scott said. "and stay safe. We need you, y/n/n, so keep on the lookout for a black Mercedes. That's my car."

After waiting for five minutes, a Mercedes pulled up with Scott in the driver's seat. He got out and hugged me. He led me to the passengers' seat and he got in the drivers. When I got in, I immediately started sobbing.

"Awww, love, tell me what's up once we get home," he said, holding my hand and driving away back to his place.

I cried my heart and soul out in Scott's car, and he looked upset when we pulled up in the driveway.

i love you - scott mctominayWhere stories live. Discover now