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I drove to Carrington in silence. I felt numb after seeing Scott in a bit of a state. I pulled up in my parking spot and walked to Ed's office, as he wished to speak to me. I knocked lightly on the door as he ushered me in.

"y/n, I hope you're ready for West Ham given last nights performances."

"I am Ed, I'm just not mentally there at the minute. Last night hurt me, but I'll pick myself back up, dust myself off and move on."

"That's the right mindset to have. Hopefully, the lads feel that too... given their facial expressions last night I hope they can prepare well and have to forget about it for now."

"I believe that they will be ready, I can try to lift morales."

"Try as much as you can, but sometimes your hardest won't work. That's what happened after Spurs, but that was an actual loss, not a draw. I'll let you get on your way, y/n, and I hope that all will be alright for you and the lads. I wish you the best."

"Thank you, Ed. I appreciate it."

"Oh, y/n,"


"You can date the lads if you want to, of course. I realise they all like you as their manager, and if it lifts morales with some of them, then so be it."

"O-oh, ok, Ed. Thanks for the green light on that."

I got up and left the room. I nearly did a little dance, but I realised security was all around, and I don't think the people on the cams would want to see that. I wandered down to meet the lads. Their eyes all found me when I walked in. A way to show intimidation, much.

"Morning to you, too," I spoke to them. "We'll have to dust off the past. I mean, I'm sorry, guys. I let you down last night. I am so sorry that it's beyond words. I wish I could take it back, but I can't. Please say something, I feel like I'm talking to myself."

No one spoke up for a bit. They were taking in what I had just said; you could see it on their faces.

"It's okay, y/n/n," Scott spoke up. "We know you tried your best, but we all made some mistakes too. We need to brush it off and move on. Let's have a great training session, guys. We need to forget about it now."

"Yeah, you tried your best. That's all we can ask for." Harry Maguire talked.

"Don't think its all your fault, y/n. It isn't, it's a team sport. Let's have a great session like Scottynaldinho said earlier." Bruno stated. We all laughed from Bruno's nickname for Scott, I don't think he'll ever replace that.

"Oi, Bruno, shut it. Let's get out there." Scott replied.

Training practically flew by, and we all enjoyed ourselves. Smiles were prominent during the session.

I got into my car to find a message from Scott.

"Sorry I left training early. Had some stuff to do. I'm sorry for being an idiot earlier, I hope I can make it up to you xx"

I smiled at the message. I knew it was genuine, so I drove home with a smile on my face. I noticed when I got to home his car was there, and he was pacing the living room floor. I stepped in the house, shut the door and turned around. The second I turned around, arms were wrapped around me. I melted into the hug and slid my arms around him.

"I'm so so sorry, beautiful. I didn't mean to make you upset this morning. I'll do anything, darling. Let me make it up to you." He began playing with the roots of my hair.

"It's okay, Tommy. I forgive y-"

"Thank you, darling. I love you," He spun me around and placed me down on the sofa before kissing me. It was sweet to be with him again, a true pairing. He moved away and sat next to me.

"I love you too, Tommy."

I noticed some flowers near the mantelpiece. "Flowers?" I pointed out, they weren't there before.

"Oh, yeah, there for you. I wanted to get you something, I didn't know what, so I thought that will do."

"You being here is more than enough. Thank you, they're beautiful." I admired.

"They're nowhere near as beautiful as you," he pecked my cheek. My cheeks soon became rosy. "I know it is the most cheesiest thing ever, but it's true. Film to watch?"

"I choose?"

"Yeah, one-off though."

"Better choose well then, I'll go... y/f/film."

"Never seen it before."

"How? It is amazing. Watch it."

"Well, I will be now,"

"You know what I mean. Pay attention."

As Scott was setting up the film, I remembered what Ed had said earlier.



"Ed said I could date any of the lads, as long as it 'boosts morale'."

"You're pulling my leg," He smiled.

"I'm not! I promise!"

"It's a bit of a sus move from him, not gonna lie,"

"He sounded genuine though, so I'm torn between if he's lying or not. He might be giving me the pity card but I don't know."

"We'll play it safe first, yeah? Just to be sure,"

"Sounds like a good plan." I grinned at him. He pressed play on the film and he wrapped an arm around my shoulder to pull me closer.

The film had finished, and god he enjoyed it. Thank the lords and heavens above he did, as it would be a bit bad if he didn't.

"That is a good film, I can see why you like it." Scott spoke, looking at me.

"What can I say, I have a great taste in films."

"I have to agree with you. I enjoyed it. I still feel bad about earlier though, I'm sorry."

"Tommy, it's fine. Don't worry about it. Focus on your football, not me."

"You matter too, love. Don't forget that either."

"I won't, Tommy. What do you wanna do now?"

"Be with you."

"Well, apart from that."

"Hold you. I missed you last night, I think that's why I was so grumpy this morning."


I shuffled into the tall figure sat beside me. Scott wrapped his arms around my waist. He lifted an arm up to stroke the roots of my hair. I enclosed him in a hug as he kissed my forehead. My eyes drooped as I began to fall asleep.

i love you - scott mctominayWhere stories live. Discover now