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Today is game day against Chelsea. Against an in-form Tuchel side, today will be a challenge.

I did get the all-clear to start Scott, so I did just that and started him. I'm so so thankful he is back, I think it would have driven me up the twist if he wasn't back.

Dan is also okay, which is brilliant too. Donny is on the bench; the only players missing are Paul, Edinson and Juan.

I hope I can prove the haters wrong; we've prepared well for Tuchels side. Seeing Giroud start does worry me a little, but I'm sure we'll get there.

Team-talk was straight to the point: try and not let Chelsea have much of the ball. The more possession they have, the worse. We need to tackle and get the throw-ins, the free-kicks etc.

Kick-off: taking the knee will always be important. Forever and Always.

Rashford with the free-kick, but unfortunately the keeper saved it. It was the clearest handball penalty I've ever seen from the man who nearly went to Bayern (Callum Hudson-Odoi). It was on the small screen in my spot, so I turned it around and showed the ref himself. It was horrendous the decision yet Tuchel was having a go at me for showing a replay. A contradicting man that manages Chelski Bus Service.

HT: Chelsea 0 - 0 Man Utd. A bit of an interesting first-half. There are lots of talking points to come from it. VAR controversy already. Keeping the message simple at the break.

David saved us with the reaction save and Luke Shaw with the block. Thank God David has brilliant reactions.

FT: Chelsea 0 - 0 Man Utd. It was a good game for us; an alright draw. Some talking points for both sides, but we still need to focus and move on to the next game.

The bus back to the hotel was the same as it was when Scott was there. Us two having our own conversation while the rest of them talked amongst themselves.

"I'm glad you're back, Scotty. It's brilliant to see that you're playing again. Great game today."

"Thank you, y/n/n. If you're happy, I'm happy."

I put my head on Scott's shoulder and you could tell he wanted to press his lips to the top of my head. Instead, he just wrapped an arm on my shoulder.

"God, I'm knackered. I think Tuchel tired me out more than watching the game," I joked.

"Yeah, I heard him going to hell and back shouting at you."

"I don't know what I did, I was coaching DJ and all of a sudden I have my head bitten off."

"I know, it was shocking."

In my ears, I had a playlist on shuffle. 'Perfect Now' by Louis Tomlinson (a/n this makes me feel better when i'm insecure, 10/10 would recommend) began to play. A smile crept on my face. Scott must have noticed as he took a headphone out of the ear closest to him and put it in his ear.

I noticed he was interested, so I restarted the song so he could hear the full thing.

The song finished. Scott gave me a confused look, wondering as if I was mental for liking the song.

"I used to listen to this when my now-ex gave me a bit of a hard time."

"Why someone would want to give you a hard time, I'll never know."

"Also, it's called being a woman under high expectations where no one hears you even when you scream at the top of your lungs and you've been used to this ever since you were five years old," I spoke in one breath. I took in a deep breath, "And that's seemed as normal."

i love you - scott mctominayWhere stories live. Discover now