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Well. It's been a while, hasn't it?

A lot has happened. Most recently, we've beaten Southampton 9-0. Safe to say I was over the moon with the result, but now we need to focus on Everton on Saturday. Tomorrow.

We've been training hard and it's nice to see Amad Diallo settling in and doing well for the Under 23's. I wonder what he is going to bring to the team.

I expect a tough challenge tomorrow, but I do wonder what can happen. We'll never know until the night.

Scott has been an absolute star (bit of an understatement) to me over the past month. Even when he had injury doubts (cough cough Southampton cough) he's still been amazing. He keeps looking at me whenever he scores, which seems to be more often. Scotty is a legend, and I love him for that.

y/b/n and y/b/f/n have backed off a bit now. Because of them, I've started to learn self-defence. Better to be safe than sorry. I'm beginning to think of when they'll get me again, but that day is yet to come and I'm thankful. Clearly blocking them worked (touch wood).

Ed is still being a twat. That was expected. He's said a few more sexist remarks and I've thrown him to the middle of nowhere for it, so he should learn to watch his words. Clearly giving him 25 TED talks he hasn't done it. Even 3 of those 25 TED talks were conducted by the lads. He still hasn't listened. Might as well talk to one of his walls, it would understand sexism in one go.

Anyway, that's the catch-up. Back to normal!


I woke up in Scott's arms, which was normal now. We (well, he) made a bit of a routine. Cuddle until the other person until they wake up, and once they have woken up (or been woke up as they like to sleep too much), have breakfast and get ready. That leaves five minutes for a chat before we go to our respective cars before training.

I enjoyed mornings before training. It made me feel secure. If only I could tell the world about it. That would make things a lot easier.

I know Ed DEFINITELY suspects something. Hopefully he can get the message, do nothing about it, then fuck off to go get  another payrise. That's the way he rolls. He sees pound signs and runs with his arms wide open.

A few weeks back Scott said he spoke to Ed, I wonder if anything has come back about that yet.

My thoughts were soon interrupted, "Morning, gorgeous," Scott mumbled as he nuzzled his nose into my hair. He kissed it before continuing, "Sleep well?"

"Morning, Tommy. Yeah, I slept well. You?"

"Yeah. I'm ready for the game tomorrow, can't wait. We don't have to travel, life is good."

"Yeah. Come on, lets get up." I moved away from him to only get pulled back.

"No. I don't want to get up." His grip tightened.

"Okay. You'll be the person with the fine, not me!"

I forced my way out of his arms and looked back at him. I slipped on the jumper he gave me the week I had my bump, and left the room.

"Come on, Scotty! I won't pick you for the match tomorrow!"

"That's blackmail!"

"Yeah, but it gets you out of bed!"

He soon appeared by my side as I made myself some breakfast.

"I'm cold." He stated.

"Turn the heating on th-"


I turned on the heating from the app on my phone. "Better?"


"Will you stop being grouchy?"

"No. You made me get out of bed and you left without me. So I'll still be 'grouchy'."

I lightly rolled my eyes as I passed him a cup of tea. He ignored it and put his arms around me. "That's better," he spoke. "I'm warming up now. Thanks for the cuppa, darling. I love you," Scott kissed the back of my head. "y/n. Never forget it."

"I love you, too, Tommy. Never forget that either."

We went to the dining room where we ate breakfast. I got myself ready by having a shower then putting on light makeup. I think Scott might have noticed, as he kept looking at me, with a massive smile on his face.

We had five minutes left before we sat on the sofa to check social media. I sat down as he shuffled into me. Scott wrapped an arm around me and he smiled. "You don't need makeup, you're beautiful with and without it. I don't get why you feel that you need it."

"I don't know. I guess it's the high expectations of practically every man on the planet which has been forced onto my shoulders."

"You shouldn't feel like that, you're perfect no matter what."

"I'm not, but thank you anyway."

"We're not getting into that argument today. Come on, we're going to be late."

He kissed me quickly before leaving me as he went to his car. I quickly followed into my car and we set off.

A/N this was meant to be uploaded yesterday, but of course Wattpad messed up and didn't upload. Luckily it saved so I'm uploading  it now!!

Stay safe x

i love you - scott mctominayWhere stories live. Discover now