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Today was game day against Watford in the FA Cup. I revealed the team news to the lads yesterday; Scott smiled when he found out he was captain. Once we got home, he couldn't stop the smile from falling from his face.

The team news now revealed to the fans; we began warming up. The players were ready for this, given our recent defeat in the Carabao Cup.

What is it with Scott McTominay and early goals? He bloody scored in the fifth minute; of course. I celebrated with Kieran; we were happy. I wasn't sure about Ben Foster, considering he's now a Watford player, but he used to play for us. I heard rumours that Foster was still going to vlog for his YouTube channel, which I find a class act.

The game droned on, but we still won 1-0 thanks to my Scotty. I prayed that Bailly would be okay, as he (debatably) could be our best CB. I know he's had injuries with his head before, so I pray it's nothing too much. I got told it was because of his neck, so I hoped it wasn't anything.

I talked with the media afterwards, smiling as I was finally back and we had won too. I wanted a better result, but I can't complain as we're in the fourth round draw.

In the dressing room, we were all smiling and joking about random things. The atmosphere; we were all so uplifted from the win. On the coach back, they were taking the piss out of one of my Spotify playlists.

"What is wrong with a playlist consisting all of Little Mix and One Direction's songs?"

"Why One Direction? They've broken up now-"

"Alright mate, no need to break my heart more from 'an 18-month split'. One: it's a hiatus; two: you listen to Roddy Ricch, so you can't say much about a decent taste in music."

Scott sat next to me on the way back; he kept inching closer to me. Whenever he was laughing, he put his hand on my lower thigh. I believed it was partially intentional, but a woman can never be too sure.

We got back to Carrington earlier than expected, so we talked longer as some people needed lifts to get back to their house.

"Proud of you lads today, we did the job we needed to. Keep smiling; we'll be back at it tomorrow with training. Great job."

We got back to Scott's house; the second we got in he picked me up and spun me around. He spread kisses over my face; I laughed.

"Thank you for making me captain today; I'm so happy! You're the best!" He put me down and help me in a close hug.

"You deserved that armband today, Tommy. You've got all the qualities to be a brilliant one in the future. I found it a bit harsh that Harry took the band from you, but I can't argue with the club captain. A brilliant goal, I heard you say 'let's fucking go'; I tried my best not to laugh as your voice sounded so deep!"

"Okay, okay, sorry for showing a deep voice. I can't believe that I've been here for 20 years around December!"

"I'm proud. You've come so far. Shit, I should've waited so you can say that after 20 years at Manchester Unites you've captained the side. I didn't realise, god."

"Haha, I better get making an Instagram post about it."

He posted it; I noticed something.

"Scott, come here for a sec,"

"Yeah darling, what is it?"

"On your post, you've said '18 years at this club', yeah?"


"You've also said you've been at the club since you were five, is that correct?"

"It is,"

"You're now 24, aren't you?"


"Well, whats 24 - 5?"


"You've been here for 19 years, Scott, not 18. Can you do maths?"

"Oh, shut up. You've proven your point."

"I know," I pecked his cheek.

"Come on, love, let's get ready for bed. I'm knackered."

I got myself ready; we went to bed cuddling.

"I love you, y/n. Never forget that,"

"I'm not planning on forgetting it, Tommy. I love you too,"

Scott smiled and drifted off to sleep; I followed on soon after.

i love you - scott mctominayWhere stories live. Discover now