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West Bromich Albion can suck their mum.

I swear that ref urgently needs to book an appointment at Specsavers. Like, come on.

I know we weren't at our A-game today, but he could have helped us a lot more. The penalty was debatable, but if we were offside it shouldn't have been checked. VAR doesn't help any situation either.

I think everyone needs something to bring them back up. I don't know what that could be, but I need to get studying.

We got onto the bus after the game so we could get back to Manchester, and everyone had to find an excuse to keep themselves occupied. Everyone but some of the staff was on their phone, and I was stuck thinking of something to do. I decided to take a break from social media, as I hated seeing the racist comments which were aimed at Axel and Tony. I addressed it from an IGTV video, explaining that if you were someone that gave/didn't do anything about the discrimination, you could unfollow me and Manchester United, as you don't have the right to be a United fan.

It was deadly silent before Marcus spoke up. "Ooh, Scotty, following your ex on Instagram?"

Wait, wait. What? Scott? Following his ex? That's a bit weird Scotty, I know people don't know about us but that's a bit much.

"Huh?" Scott spoke, looking at me, then Rashford, who was on the other aisle but the same row.

"You're following your ex, Millie Doze. She dated you, went on holiday with you, saw your Wolves goal live away? Does that ring a bell?"

"Yeah..." His cheeks were turning red under his mask.

"You weren't following her before now. Well, is there something you need to tell us?"

"Ooh, Scotty got back with his ex!" Dan James joked about.

"Wow, Scott, wasn't expecting that," Luke Shaw echoed.

"We're just friends, guys, come on. Is there an issue with that or something?" Scott tried defending himself.

"One, the 'just' part of the 'we're just friends' doesn't hold up your defences, and two, if you were friends beforehand, surely you would be following her before now?" I explained, staring at him dead in the eye.

"That's a good point," Marcus stated. "And she's following you back, the first time since you broke up. There's something definitely going on there."

"We've been talking, that's all."

"Again, the 'that's all' isn't saving your case, Scotty," I told.

"Well, we're not dating," Scott scoffed. "Relax guys,"

The conversation faded from my ears. I stared out of the window, not focussing on anything. My mind was full of sprinting questions, all urgently needing an answer. I felt as if I was going to throw up; the thought of him cheating on me made me feel severely ill.

"Y/n, er, y/n. Earth to y/n." Scott waved his hand in front of my face. I blinked then looked at him.


"You okay?"

"I mean, yeah, I guess. Just that you never told me you were talking to your ex. I suppose I wasn't expecting that."

"Scotty keeping secrets from his manager!" Someone stirred.

"I mean, it does explain why whenever I walk into a room your phone suddenly falls into your pocket, or you avoid the question of me asking what you were looking at. Also, it explains why you were always smiling at your pho-"


"Don't interrupt me. I wasn't finished. Is this why you've been scoring so much? For her? Has this made you turn into a man no one was fully expecting? You do also realise that this could have affected your game massively? By making it worse?"


"I asked multiple questions. That doesn't really give me an answer. To any of them. Care to elaborate?"

"Will you just shut up, now? You're being a bitch,"

Gasps and silent murmurs filled the bus. Scott acted as if nothing had happened.

Little did he know that 'y/n 'the bitch'' was now fully evolving.

"How much?"


"How much is your funeral? Because your opinion is already dead to me."

He didn't respond.

The bus was silent bar a few gasps, so I continued.

"Be careful, Scott. Don't call me a bitch again, as with it coming from someone who is one of the few people I fully trust, it stings more than a bee. Do you understand, Mr McTominay?"

"Yes," Scott whispered, slumped in his chair.

"A bit louder for those in the back,"

"Yes." He said loudly. His eyes looked a little glossy.

I know I went a bit harsh on him, but he has to learn. It's to be cruel to be kind, I guess. I do feel a little sorry for him, but that is expected.

I just pray that we can figure this out, as the sky is beginning to look grey.

When we got to Carrington, I said bye to the boys and went home in my car. I don't know what will happen next, but I hope that we'll be alright.

Were my doubts now right?

Or will we be the fine line we were destined to be?

i love you - scott mctominayWhere stories live. Discover now