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We got into his car.

"Fucking hell Scott, you were awesome out there!"

"Aww, thanks love. I told you we'd win it!"

"I can still have my doubts Mr McTominay. How's your groin?"

"It's better now. I think I pulled it lightly and since I've never had a muscle injury before I didn't know what to expect. I'll still check with the physio's tomorrow."

"Well, as long as your fine I'm ok with it. I still can't believe you did that though, history maker much!"

"History maker?" Scott inquired.

"You're the first player in Premier League history to score twice within the first 3 minutes. Look at you go!"

"Jesus. I knew I scored early on, but not that early on! Haha!"

We both chuckled lightly. Scott grabbed my right hand and held it while he drove. Now and again he'd let go of my hand to continue driving safely, but no matter what he'd always put our palms together. The butterflies in my stomach whirled around each wall and vaulted like they were tumblers.


"Yeah, love?"

"Can we go back to y/b/n's? I can get my car and my belongings then."

"As long as you're ok with that love. I'll be by your side the whole time as I don't want anything happening to you."

"Thank you."

I told him the address; we drove there. The second we got out, I unlocked the door and walked into the house abruptly. I ran up the stairs and went into the bedroom, to get things from my bedside drawer. Scott gave me a bag to put my belongings in. He helped me put intricate items into it. Somehow y/b/n and y/b/f/n weren't home.

"Go put them in the car. I'll get some more stuff to pack away." I said to him. He nodded then went back. Once I heard the door shut, memories replayed in my head.

"What do I see? My boyfriend and my best friend on two polar opposite ends of the earth?!"

"Oh, look, it's y/n. You do realise that NOBODY will ever want you, or love you or want anything to do with you?"

She slapped me across the face, blood trickling from my bottom lip. There was so much force into that slap my whole body went numb.

"NOBODY will ever want you," blood trickling from my bottom lip; my whole body went numb.

I didn't realise a single tear roll from the corner of my eye to my lips until I tasted the bitter saltiness from it. I picked up some shoes, clothes, and pictures of my family. I noticed some of y/b/f/n's belongings in the wardrobe, a clear divide between my stuff and hers. Scott came back into the room and walked immediately to me. He held me tight, picked up the clothes and pulled me closer to him.

"Come on love, let's get out of here. They're not worth your tears." He said softly, and let me go down the stairs. I had the shoes and pictures and put them in the boot of his car. He placed the clothes down carefully and got in the driver's seat. I went over to my car and drove behind his car to his house. On the way home I listened to 'Home Sweet Hotel' by New Rules. Even though it explained my situation perfectly, I somehow didn't cry much more on the way home.

Authors Note: Thank you for all the support on this book! Can't wait to show you guys my ideas on Scott and y/n's relationship!

P.S. New Rules is a GOAT band, go check them out and send them some love!

i love you - scott mctominayWhere stories live. Discover now