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My eyes fluttered open; a resting Scott stirred. I hoped I hadn't woke him up; he looked like he needed a good rest. He hummed lightly. His toned arms gripped tighter around my waist.

"Morning, beautiful. Sleep well?" He kissed my forehead.

"I did, thank you, Tommy. You?"

"Could be better, tossing and turning all night,"

"Why? What kept you up?"

"Probably that I can't believe I was captain. I don't know. What time is it?"

"It is 6:07 am."

"Cuddle until half-past?"

"Yeah." I snuggled into his chest. Scott's arm draped around my waist while his other hand began to play with my hair; we stayed like this for a while until Scott spoke up.

"Can you... cuddle me? I, you know..."

"You don't need to explain yourself, Tommy. Come here," I moved out of his chest; I held my arms open. Scott smiled and shuffled towards me, placing his head in the crook of my neck. My arm coiled around his muscled torso and clutched his shirt, whilst my other hand tugged at the ends of his hair.

"Thank you, love; you're an angel. I love you, baby."

"I love you too, babe. We've got to get up in ten minutes-"

"No, no, that clock's wrong. It's just gone ten-past, we've got twenty minutes." Scott interrupted, giving me puppy-dog eyes.

I looked deep into the blue eyes, clearly that Billie Eilish song 'Ocean Eyes' was happening to me now. 'No fair, you really know how to make me cry when you give me those ocean eyes.' This man gets me every time. I looked away, smiling. "Seems I'm corrected," I glanced back to him. "Twenty minutes until we get up."

"That's more like it," Scott mumbled, wrapping his arm around my abdomen and nuzzling his nose against my bare neck.

We stayed like this for twenty minutes. Scott got up first; he offered me his hand. I took it; he hugged me before leading me to the kitchen.

"What do you want for breakfast?" He asked, looking back at me.

"Whatever you want. You got me y/f/b yesterday so you can choose today."

"Aww, thanks love." He shot me a smile before going back to making the food.


We had the food; he still impresses me with his cooking. We went in separate cars (once we got ready, of course). I stuck on the radio.

"Welcome to Capital Breakfast; we're going to play 'drivers license' by Olivia Rodrigo next."

The song nearly made tears fall down my cheeks. It was beautiful; the lyrics were relatable given a few weeks ago. I arrived at Carrington, keeping a fake smile on my face, attempting to hide my true feelings.

i love you - scott mctominayWhere stories live. Discover now