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My mind flooded with memories, that night and questions. I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out. I took a deep breath out; that's when y/b/f/n started.

"Hi, y/n, y/b/n and I wanted to see you again." She smiled sweetly; too sweet. Venom was building in her veins.

"Oh. Er, would there be any point in asking why you've come into my office?" I started to ask.

"It's because we wanted to see you face to face. Facetime isn't the same," She replied. There was something suspicious about this. I hid my phone behind my desk and messaged 'CODE RED: MY OFFICE' to Scott, praying that someone would help me.

"Okay, erm, what did you want to see me for?" I asked, praying that they'd just pie me off and walk away.

She giggled weirdly, like some monster. "To show you hell, bitch."


She stepped towards me in her new Chanel heels that he bought her. Her fresh 1-inch acrylics were shoved into my left cheek while y/b/n came and punched me in the right eye. A bruise and bump were already forming, but he struck his palm to my face once more. They backed off and started whispering things in each other's ears.

"You came all the way here to see me? Aww, thank you, it means a lot." I said. Both of them gave me death glares; I gulped, regretting everything that I'd just said.

"Who do you think you're talking to, bitch? Talk up to your superiors, did your mother not teach you manners to those better than you?"

"She did, it's just that sometimes people get too big for their boots; they believe they're Gods gift. In reality, they're nothing more than a normal person."

"That's it, you fucking bitch," she moved towards me. "Just because someone became a history maker, it doesn't mean that they're on the side of the angels."

"I may be on the side of the angels, but don't ever think that I'll ever be one of them."

"Ooh, someone trying to be a clever bitch? I'm frightened." y/b/f/n said. She walked over to me and punched me in the face and the stomach. She dug her nails into my shoulder, pulled me up and shoved me against the wall. y/b/n came and kicked my stomach, making me winded.

"Don't chat shit about us then this wouldn't have happened," He said.

A tear finally rolled down my bruised and bleeding cheek, then Scott and Dan walked in.


"y/- hey! Get off her! I'm sure you two have already done enough damage to her, there's no need!" Dan shouted. Scott clenched his jaw; his knuckles became whiter than before.

"Get the fuck off her and get out before I do something I'll regret," Scott spat. y/b/f/n looked over at him, clearly liking the look of the man.

"Are you sure, pretty boy?" She flirted. "You look too innocent to do such a thing." I somehow stopped myself from snickering, but Scott was raging.

"Yes, I'm sure, cheating slag." He pushed her out of the door then gripped y/b/n. He did try to fight back, but Scott was too much for him. I thought they were gone and I chocked a sob.

"Oh, please, stop being a little child, you're 22 now. Come on, y/n, you need to stop acting childish." I heard y/b/f/n say. I slid down the wall; Dan came over to me, unsure of what to do. By now Scott had slammed and locked the door.

"Right, Dan, go get someone who can help. I don't know who, get a physio or someone that looks like they know what to do," Scott explained. "If you see y/b/n and y/b/f/n, report them to Ed." He finished. Dan nodded then left the room, practically sprinting out the door. Scott looked back over to me.

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