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I was only a couple of minutes from Carrington with Scott. I remembered Scott's journal and that he was attempting to persuade Ed in thinking that I can date any of the lads (well, him) without any concerns. I had a bit of a bad feeling about it, as I knew that Ed would probably ask me to drop him for a little while. I'd refuse, but I felt that it wouldn't help his suspicions. I prayed that everything would be alright, but knowing Ed 'the twat' Woodward (as Scotty liked to call him), that wasn't likely.

"Penny for your thoughts, love?" Scott asked.

"Huh? Oh, er, it's nothing. Thinking about Christmas presents, I don't think I've got anything," I lied smoothly.

"Hey, I'll help you. I'm sure I can manage and get Axel to help. He is the most organised person I know, so I'd trust him."

"Right. Axel better bloody help, otherwise I'm fucked! I know that my family are wanting me to go back to y/h/t (your home town/city/whatever) but they're vulnerable. I'm not risking it. I already know the presents won't arrive in time, for god's sake!"

"Yeah. I'm thinking about going back to Lancaster, but I don't want to ruin Christmas, especially with Isabelle, my niece. I don't want to ruin anything for her at a young age. I suppose we can zoom."

"Yeah, I suppose you can. I know that y/s/n (your sibling's name - if you don't have a sibling say it's anyone) had to be forced back home as he's/she's/they're at Uni studying law. I do feel sorry for him/her/them; the way that Universities are being dealt with is shocking. If he/she/they wasn't/weren't there, I'd be fucked with trying to tell my parents how to do technology. Even though he/she/they is/are older than me, at least he/she/they know/s what he's/she's/they're doing."

"Yeah, I guess. Wait, you said that y/s/n is older than you? So you're the youngest?"

"Yup. People I know say that y/s/n has done better than me by trying to get into law rather than "a sport where you won't get far" but I'm not bothered. Safe to say I've had high expectations, considering he/she/they basically got straight A's at their GSCEs. y/s/n decided to finish college, have a 6-year course over in France then come back. He/she/they hasn't/haven't done bad, considering that he/she/they is/are now at Oxford."

"Jesus. Definitely safe to say you've had the pressure. I'm the same, Katie is the older one and she's given me a bit of pressure," He explained.

"Wow, I actually have something in common with Scott McTominay! Shocker," I exclaimed.

"What? Oh my god, I can't breathe. I've got something in common with y/n y/l/n! I-I can't believe it!"

We laughed at us two being absolute idiots.

"Right, we're here now, I'll try parking in my spot."

I started to reverse backwards before a car suddenly pulled over two spots. I pressed my brakes and apologised to Scott.

"What the-"

I wound down my window to see who it was.

"ED????" I shouted, looking back at the man over the two parking spaces.

"What?" He asked, attempting to sound innocent.

"Why the actual hell are you in two parking spaces? That one," I pointed dramatically at the sign, "Says 'Manager's spot'. Believe it or not, but you did hire me to be your manager!" I said, angry at him.

"You've got Scott in your car, thought you had two?"

"We do have two, but Scott needed to get in here the same time as me. Unlike some people, I was kind enough to offer him a lift."

"Yeah, but Scott's a player!"

"And I'm the manager!"

"He shouldn't be in the Managers spot."

I rolled my eyes. "Well if that's the case, I shouldn't be in a player's spot!"


"When I explained what happened that night, I came to work in his car and we parked in his space. So it's only time I return the favour. Do you really want me quitting on the spot?" I asked cockily.

"You wouldn't dare quit on the spot."

I snickered at the comment. "Really? I'm a woman, don't test me. I don't owe you nothing, so shove it off and move."

"I'm not moving until he's out the car."

"Should I just get out, I'm the one who's clearly causing a problem," Scott said.

"What? No. Pass me the LM5 CD from the glove box."

"Huh? Whatever you say," He passed me it. I ejected the MITAM CD and inserted LM5 into the player. I skipped the songs until it got to Wasabi.

I turned up the player and blasted the song out. I shouted the song out as it was an anthem. I'm pretty sure Scott's face turned red with embarrassment, so he put his head in his hands. At some points (cough-cough Jesy's (she's the one with the New York mesh top) parts cough) I pointed at him. After Perrie's 'Watching me, I ain't watching you' I just graced him with a middle finger salute.

This could cost me my job, but at least I'd go out happy.

Eventually, Ed got annoyed, so he left the space. I reversed perfectly into the spot.

Once I got out of the car, some of the lads had arrived and saw me jamming out to the rhythm.

"Sorry. Ed was in my spot so I encouraged him to move his car," I explained.

"Ah, fair enough."

We all went back inside to the Complex. Scott went to his meeting and I apologised to the media for my actions from the day prior. I left then met up with some of the lads.

"Hey, y/n, have you seen Scott? He said he was gonna talk to me before we started training." Daniel James asked.

"Yeah, he said something to me too, something about helping him/you?" Axel Tuanzebe started saying.

"Oh, so he actually spoke to you about that, Axel. He said to me this morning that he had a meeting to go to, hence why he came in the same time as me. I have no idea what for or how long it's going to take. He's not going to play against Everton, so he might not be training today."

"Alright," They both said in sync, then walked off.

"Strange," I shook my head and walked to my office. I'd just sat down and the door knocked. 'I wasn't expecting anyone' I thought, then I shouted for them to come in.

A man and a woman walked through the door.

y/b/n and y/b/f/n.

i love you - scott mctominayWhere stories live. Discover now