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I woke up in an empty bed. I looked around to see if I could find Scott, but he was nowhere. I looked up and saw a post-it on my forehead.

"Original," I muttered, before carefully peeling it off and reading the note.

'Morning princess!

I'm making y/f/b (your favourite breakfast) so come to Scott's kitchen and get it!

If you're reading this note, it's either cooking or served. I would've woke you up if it was fully ready.

See you soon sleepy,

Tommy :) xxx'

I rolled my eyes then wandered down the stairs. I smelt the aroma of y/f/b coming from the kitchen. I wandered in, seeing Scott humming to a song that was playing on the radio.

"Can I have a table for one 'sleepy'?" I asked, making Scott startled.

"Is there room for another?" He asked.

"Yes, you can sit with me."

He shot me a smile before carrying on.

"Need anything doing?"

"No, sleepy. Look after yourself," Scott responded, serving the food on two plates.

"Seems your nutrition plan has gone in the bin," I stated. "Don't think the Instagram account will be happy-"

"Shush! They don't need to know, shut it," He whispered. I just chuckled.

"I'm not telling them, don't worry,"

"Thank god, nearly gave me heart failure. Anyway, the Chef's special, y/f/b, is served!"

"Thank God. I don't think that I ate since breakfast yesterday,"

"Oh my god! Darling, that's over a day! Jesus, you must be starving." He set the plates down on the dinner table. I got stuck in immediately and ate in within five minutes.

"That was the best plate of y/f/b I've ever had. Thank you," I pecked Scott's cheek. "Thank you for everything you've done for me. It's way too much." I rested my head on his shoulder.

"It's not too much, princess. Can I see your bruises? I took pictures of them last night as the lads wanted to see how they looked. Hope you don't mind,"

"I'm not bothered. I'm going to be living in this for a few weeks now, so they better get used to it," I joked. Scot examined my face, slightly wincing when he saw the imprints of y/b/f/n's nails on my left cheek.

"Jesus, why did they do this to you? I think the cheating was more than enough," he said out loud. I wondered if he realised that he said that out loud or not. "How're your ribs? I took a picture of them yesterday; I didn't look," he reassured.

"It's fine, Scotty, don't worry." I took off my jumper and raised the shirt so you could see it. It was sticking out now, looking like a thunder cloud.

"Sheesh, I'm going to have to be careful when I hug you now otherwise that's going to get worse," he said. "You hurting anywhere?"

"My rib does kill, to be fair. I can't fully open my right eye; the bump hurts, the scratches on my shoulder and cheek stings too."

"Bloody hell, love." He started to rub my rib with the pad of his thumb; he began planting kisses on my bump. He put his chin on my head; he started humming a tune. Soon all my pain had gone; I was smiling fully for the first time since the break-up. Scott noticed how bright I looked; he grinned with me. He moved his head, so our eyes met each other.

"I love you!" I suddenly said.

He slightly moved back; his thumb stopped moving. His mouth gaped open. It looked like he was attempting to say something, but nothing came out.

What have I done?

i love you - scott mctominayWhere stories live. Discover now