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We pulled up outside Scott's house. I got out first; Scott soon followed. He opened his boot; I got most of my items. Scott gathered the rest, and he went upstairs with them.

"What are you doing Scotty?"

"I'm putting these in the spare bedroom. I probably should have told you about it earlier! Sorry! It's the first door on the left."

"Okay! No need to be sorry!"

I let my hair down and checked it was alright before collecting the items and bringing them into the room. I sorted the items quickly as I enjoy organising things.

Once I stood back and looked at what I'd done, Scott pulled me in a hug from behind. I jumped lightly at the action but eventually melted into the hug. His arms comfortably slithered around my waist; he gently pulled me backwards, so a strand of hair couldn't fit between his chest and my back. I rested my head back onto his shoulder and looked at him. He looked, eyes catching. He looked deep into the window of my soul, and I did the same to him. He turned my body, so our chests were against each other. I set my arms around his neck, fingers tugging at the strands on the back of his neck. My heart was beating louder than ever before, and butterflies shrieked in paradise. His hands held my waist tighter. His face moved closer to mine, closing the inches between our lips...

Authors note: I'M SORRY NOT SORRY FOR THE CLIFFHANGER!! I'll write part 3.5 either today or tomorrow, but I wanted to say I'll be taking Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day off. This is so I can spend some time with my family before the New Year. Also, I'm taking New Years Eve and New Years Day off. On the 4th of Jan I'll be back at school, so updates will be slow from then on.

Stay safe, people!

i love you - scott mctominayWhere stories live. Discover now