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This game could be the make or break of my United career.

I woke up at 6:30; I was scared. I was nervous; I was excited. After pacing back and forth for 5 minutes, I went into the shower. I was deep in thought, wondering about tactics for the game. I came out feeling fresh. I dried my body and put on travel wear. I dried my hair the best I could, as I didn't want to wake Scott with the hairdryer. I hoped I didn't have to whip it out at half-time either.

I made myself some breakfast and some salad to take away. I sat at the dining table and put on some music on shuffle from my phone. m/f/s (my favourite song) came on. I got up and lipsynced with it. Suddenly I was singing. I never noticed Scott at the doorway. After 30 seconds he sang along. I turned around then my cheeks went crimson. He laughed lightly and walked over to me. He put his arm over my shoulder and pulled me into his chest. We finished the song together.

"Yes then, love! You're a good singer. When we can, you're singing that in front of the lads."

"I'm not that good, but thank you for the compliment," My heart pounded and threatened to get out of my body when he praised me. "You ain't that half bad either!"

"Shut it. I've already done my initiation!"

"Make me."

"Make you what?" Scott looked at me like I was a madman.

"Make me 'shut it'."

"You don't know what you've just started."
He held me closer to him and used his spare hand to lift my chin, so I was looking at him. He leaned in closer and kissed my nose, both cheeks and forehead. When he did that twice, his lips hovered over mine; he kissed the very tip of my nose. Once he pulled away, I looked at him. I was confused; he just kissed practically my whole face like it was something you do every day.

"That's made you shut it, hasn't it?" Scott teased, then went off to make himself breakfast.
What just happened? He behaved like it was casual. What the fuck?

I smiled to myself and used the hairdryer. After my hair was dry, I straightened it, then put it in a high ponytail. As soon as Scott and I were ready, we walked out the door to the car.

i love you - scott mctominayWhere stories live. Discover now