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"I love you!" I suddenly said.

He slightly moved back; his thumb stopped moving. His mouth gaped open. It looked like he was attempting to say something, but nothing came out.

What have I done?

He looked deeper into my eyes to see if I was lying. "I'm not lying; I love you. I fucking love you. You've cared for me so much since the second I became manager. I don't believe that you've bothered caring for me as usually nobody cares. You've changed my life for the better, Scott. I can't thank you enough; I've fallen too fucking fast. I'm sorry if this ruins us, I'll try to un-love you, but it's most likely not going to happen. God, I'm so stupid. I'm sorry, I'm so fucking sorry Sco-"

He cut me off by kissing my lips. I could tell he wanted the kiss to become more passionate, but I presumed it was because I still had my injury. He pulled away, beaming.

"I love you! I fucking love you. You're worth everything. I could buy the whole universe; it wouldn't be enough. You're perfect in every way; I can't believe someone like you would care for a guy like me." Scott said. We both grinned like idiots before he pulled me into a hug.

"Can we stay like this forever?" Scott questioned.

"I wish," I spoke. "Ed will be the person to have the last word in this relationship." I sighed.

"Don't worry about him, love. I'm working on something behind the scenes; all should be well soon." He replied.

I looked up at him, confused, but he focused on making my now non-existent pain go away. He rubbed my ribs; he kissed the top of my head, sealing the sweet moment. I thought about what Scott had said, but brushed it away as Scott began whispering sweet nothings in my ear.

A/N: as I'm sooooooooo far behind with games etc. I'm time-skipping to today (09/01/20). For Christmas, they spent the whole day together (once they got home); everything was bliss. Y/N's first game back from her injury is the game against Watford. This game is day 23 of the y/n being the new manager. Sorry if you wanted each day, it's just that I'll continuously fall behind. The games went the same as IRL if anyone is wondering :)

i love you - scott mctominayWhere stories live. Discover now