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Today I did a press conference with Jamo. Scott is still injured, but the Instagram story with Alfie made me smile. The cat can keep him company while I've got to get ready for the game.

I won't reveal if I'm starting Amad or Shola, but they will be involved at some point.

Luckily, we're at home, so I don't have to travel.

A couple of days ago Scott got a fridge from Harry and about a million bottles from the brand. Someone decided not to tell their girlfriend.

I come home, like I always do, at the same time every day. As Scott is injured, he comes in earlier and leaves earlier; I thought he would have settled down and be watching a TV show or something. I pull up to the house and found Scott taking a picture of the said fridge and drinks. Confused as hell, I roll down the window and yell, "Why the fuck do we have another fridge? Is the one in the kitchen not big enough for our stomachs?"

Scott just laughed at me, before saying, "No, love, Harry just gave it to me."

"Harry just gave you a fridge? Have I skipped basically the whole year and it's now your birthday? Or is it like a giveaway; be apart of Manchester United and you get a free fridge? Or is giving fridges to people now normal? Did someone call Ophra?"

"It's because he's sponsored by the brand, love,"

"So being sponsored by a brand means you give away free fridges to your colleagues? Was this a rule that was in the small print, or...?"

Scott just cracked. He was, quite literally, rolling on the floor laughing. "'Was that just a rule in the small print?' HAHAHA," During this, he sounded like a dog had ran a marathon and was panting viciously.

"Well, how the fuck are we gonna get the fridge into the house?"

He sat up. "Erm... didn't think of that..."

"Well, we'll do no good with the gates locked. Come on, let's try and get it in."

Scott unlocked the gates and got ready to pick up the mini-fridge. "If I drop it, it's on you,"

"Now, that's what I call logic, 2021,"

Scott already started lifting it before I was ready. "Oi, Superman, I ain't ready yet."

Scott put it back down and waited until I was actually prepared to lift the fridge. "I'm ready now,"

We lifted it; it was lighter than expected. It was still heavy but not as heavy as I first anticipated. Scott was dealing with it fine until he was the one going back into the house. He nearly fell over but luckily he didn't. We got the fridge in the kitchen; Scott went to go get the drinks. As he was doing that, I sorted the fridge by taking off the bubble wrap and getting it set up fully (sorting out electrics).

Once Scott came back in, he nearly dropped everything as I was sorting out some of the electrical parts of it. I turned around to see him standing there, staring at me with his mouth open.

"Jesus, y/n/n, you didn't have to sort everything out for me,"

"It saves time for you, I'll let you sort it how you want to."

While he was sorting it out I walked outside as I believed my car would still be outside the gates, but it was in its place outside of the house. I went back into the kitchen to find him just starting, so I helped him by passing him the bottles and getting them out of the packaging. After that, we were done in no time.

"Love, you need to stop helping me," Scott admitted.

"Who was the one that put my car in its' spot?"

"Me. I thought I could be the one helping you, not the other way around." His right hand found his left elbow, and he moved his hand in an up-and-down motion.

"Tommy, you've helped me enough times, you don't have to help me, darling. I mean, you've given me a roof over my head. That's more than enough."

As we were sat on the floor, he shuffled so he could wrap his arms around me. "I feel like I don't, baby. I don't know why you'd want me, I'm just..."

"...the best person I could ask for as a boyfriend." I decided to finish his sentence for him.

"That's not true. I feel like you don't deserve me... you deserve someone like Axel or one of them actors."

"I am telling the truth, Tommy. If I didn't mean the truth, why would I say it? I promise you on my life that I'm not being sarcastic, either. Also, I don't deserve you, you're out of my league. You're the Champions League while I'm non-league. Why would I want Axel or one of them actors when you're perfect the way you are? Axel definitely isn't for me. Anyone in the whole universe isn't for me, except you."

During my little TED-talk, his smile progressively got bigger. "You mean it?" I nodded my head in response.

"You're joining me in the Champions League, though, darling. I love you so much."

"I love you more, Tommy."

Back to today.

Scott was tired by half eleven as we'd binge-watched a full season of y/f/show. When I was doing the weekly shop was when Alfie kept him company, and also during some of the first episodes.

Scott went upstairs, so I followed him. I got dressed in my room, so he could get ready himself. I was done, so I figured he would be too. I walked into his room to find him taking off his shirt, showing his six-pack. It happened so quickly that I turned away, as I didn't know if he wanted me to see it or not. In the changing rooms, I normally left them to give them space.

"Aagh, sorry Tommy,"

Scott hugged me from behind. "It's fine, love. Don't worry about it."

"And to think that you giving me a hug like this is what kick-started this whole thing off."

"Yeah. It's been a rollercoaster since then."

"It certainly has," I sighed.

"Let me get fully ready, love, and we'll get to sleep, yeah?"

"That's fine."

Scott backed out of the hug (after kissing the back of my head, of course) and put on a shirt.

I was already in bed by this point, ready for him. Scott came next to me and put his head on top of mine, and he was already drifting off to sleep. I knew I have to be up early tomorrow, so I fell asleep by the hour.



I don't want to, but if I don't my family will be fined, so I don't have a choice.

So from March 8th and onwards updates will be slower, but I still aim to finish this by the 28th of March as well.

Stay safe all,

c.b x

i love you - scott mctominayWhere stories live. Discover now