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I got home before Scott. He normally would be here by now, so I assumed he was avoiding me the best he can before he has to face the battle.

Surprisingly, he came home once I entered the house. I sat down on the sofa, preparing my words for what I was going to say. Marcus wasn't/isn't lying, as a few years back he did go on holiday with the woman, and he does follow her. She looks like a 'Heather', I'm definitely about twenty-five leagues below him (compared to her).

Scott walked through the door and sat next to me.

"y/n/n, I'm so, so, sorry. I promise you, on my life, we are only friends. She was the one messaging me first, and I had to follow her to respond. I suppose, I don't know, I just wanted to see how she is. We did cut things off quite bluntly. She told me she has a boyfriend, who that is, I don't know. I didn't ask the question."

"I don't know whether to believe you or not, Scott. This is practically the same thing as what happened with y/b/n. y/b/f/n had a boyfriend, but they both cheated on their partners. I'm guessing he didn't care about it. But, I didn't know the signs then. My hearts saying yes, but my heads saying no."

"That's fine, love, that's expected. I'm sorry beyond words for calling you a bitch. It slipped out. You're the last thing in the universe that would be one of them. To be fair, you did also put me in my place. I hope I can make this up to you."

"I can forgive you for the bitch, I was being a bit of one at the time, but you do also need to know your place, too. Though, you can see where I'm coming from. Millie looks like she could be going for one of the Kardashians or Jenners, then there's me. Just a simple, ugly, y/n."

He lightly moved me so I was staring into his eyes."You're the last person who would be ugly on this earth, darling. Your beauty amazes me." His thumb moved a strand of hair that covered my eyes. He then pulled me into his chest, his chin resting on top of my head. Scott began stroking my hair before continuing. "Millie looks like she could be going after Caitlin Jenner; an old, wrinkly human, who I'm not a fan of."

"That's an insult and a compliment to Caitlin Jenner. Caitlin isn't old, or wrinkly, but comparing her to Millie makes Caitlin look like a goddess."

"You don't get it, do you. You're 1 million percent prettier than Millie; you don't need to change yourself as you look like a Goddess. Well, I mean, you are the queen of my heart."

"One, that's cute but cheesy at the same time, and two, don't get me singing the Westlife song."

A/N: (here is the song, if you didn't know it before)

"You've got it stuck in my head, now. I'll always look back, as I walk away, this memory will last, for eternity, and all of our tears will be lost in the rain when I find my way back to your arms again, but until that day you know you are the queen of my heart." He kissed my forehead.

"Big up the McSauce singing. I love your voice, honestly. It calms me down instantly."

"Hmm." He pecked my forehead again.

I thought for a second about the whole situation. "I'm trusting you massively, Scotty. It's a leap I'm willing to take, though. I'll stay with you."

His face lit up like fairy lights. "Really?"

"Really." I looked up at him.

Scott leant in and kissed me. I barely had time to react to it, but eventually, I melted into the kiss. Scott quickly pulled away.

"I'm sorry, love, you weren't expecting that. I should've asked you first."

I frowned. I leant into him and put my hands on his face. "I'm fine with it." I pressed my lips gently onto his. Scott's arms held me close to him, by wrapping them around me. He leant back, so I was on top of him. My hands moved under his shirt. His hands began drawing circles on my back, before moving up towards my bra.

It got to the point where our shirts were better on the floor.

I pulled away. "I'm not ready for that, yet."

"That's okay, love. Don't worry about it." Scott pulled me onto his shoulder.

I got shivers down my spine. Clearly, the rain had begun getting to me.

"Cold, darling?"

"Yeah." I couldn't even finish the word before Scott was taking me to his room. He set me down on his bed as he rummaged through his wardrobe to find me a jumper.

 He set me down on his bed as he rummaged through his wardrobe to find me a jumper

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(the jumper)

"Here you go, love, that should help you." Scott smiled. I quickly slipped into the jumper as he lay down beside me. Scott held me close and put the blanket over me. Scott whispered sweet nothings in my ear as the time went by quickly. We watched a few episodes of y/f/tv show before he fell asleep first at 11. I was asleep soon after.

i love you - scott mctominayWhere stories live. Discover now