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We got into the car, and Scott put on the radio. There were some Christmas songs and then the presenter started talking. Scott turned it up.

"We all know that y/f/n is the new Manchester United manager, but how will she deal with Leeds? There has been some drama between her, y/b/n and y/b/f/n, as supposedly he cheated on her with her best friend. y/n has deleted all known pictures of the trio from her social media, so this does back up the theory. Will she be mentally and physically prepared for the challenge against Bielsa's side?"

What. The. Hell?

"How the fuck do they know that? I didn't say anything to the media, did I?" I asked, confused.

"You didn't. I watched it myself, they didn't ask anything about your personal life or about anything that has happened." Scott replied.

"That only means one thing. Either Ed has told them, or it was y/b/n and y/b/f/n trying to play mind games on me. Oh god, I bet it was y/b/f/n. She literally couldn't despise me more if she tried." I put my hands on my face.

"If it was her, that gives me another reason to accidentally murder her. The way you describe her she sounds like a right bitch. How did you manage with her being your best friend for years?"

"I don't know. Let's hear what they still have to say."

"...I'm sure she'll be ready for it. She seems the type of character to not give one about things like this. I'm sure she's got a new lad already, she's good like that."

My eyes widened. "Mate, do you even know that I can't delete his number from my phone yet? Or that I hate the fact I still love him? and what about y/b/f/n? I haven't even thought about deleting the pictures from my camera roll or getting rid of the things she's given me."

I admitted the things I needed to get off my chest. "If anything, I miss them, as I've trusted and loved them for so long. So yeah, of course, I've got a new lad." I said the last bit sarcastically.

"Hey, hey. Need to get everything off your chest? Wait till we get home, we can discuss and see if we can find a way to address the rumours," Scott glanced over and gave me a weak smile. I gave him one back. "We're practically home anyway."

When we got back, he sat down next to me and pulled me into a hug. I don't know how long it lasted, we just held each other. Now and again he'd kiss my forehead.

Scott spoke first. "Want to talk about it? Or do you want to post something on social media?"

"We'll post about it first."

I opened my notes app and wrote down everything.


'Hi guys, just wanted to come on here and address the rumours about myself, y/b/n and y/b/f/n.

The rumours are true, y/b/n and y/b/f/n are now together. Please don't send hate to the two of them. I walked in on them doing it, and I was distraught. I didn't know what to do.

Some decisions I have made in the past 24 hours were stupid, as I wasn't thinking straight. Any decisions that didn't seem like me I immediately regretted and I still regret them now.

I apologise to anyone I have hurt with my actions.

Please respect our privacy at this time.

I just wanted to thank everyone who has been sending me support, the players, the staff, and everyone at Manchester United for letting me carry on.

I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Sending love,

y/n x'


I showed it to Scott.

"That's perfect love. Well written."

"Aww, thanks, Tommy."

I posted it on social media, with the comments turned off.

"I also want to thank you for letting me stay here until I'm ready."

"It's alright, y/n/n. This place is always ready to welcome you home." He put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer to him.

I looked up at him and smiled. He smiled back, and I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Get some rest, Tommy. You've got a big game tomorrow."

"Ad you've got a big game too! I'll go get you some tea."

He left the room for some tea, and I got a jumper and sweats from the bag I'd brought and quickly put them on. I went to the bathroom to take off my makeup. When I got out Scott handed me the cup of tea, and I drank it quickly. I put the mug in the dishwasher and Scott gave me his. I put that mug in the dishwasher too and turned it on.

Scott asked me something, but I was too busy thinking about what y/b/f/n had said.

"Oh, look, it's y/n. You do realise that NOBODY will ever want you, or love you or want anything to do with you?"

"NOBODY will ever want you"


"Love? You okay?" Scott snapped me out of my trance.

"O-oh. I'm just tired. Clearly getting to me. Other than that I'm ok."

"You sure? You seemed deep in thought then."

"Yeah, I'm fine. just need some sleep I think."

"Okay. Want me to stay?"

"Nah, I'll be fine tonight. I'll stay on the sofa. Focus on you, not on me."

"You're the Gaffer, y/n. I need to look after you too."

"Fine. Can I get some sleep now?" I laughed.

"Yeah. Night love. Put some telly on if you can't sleep." He gave me a quick hug and kissed me on the cheek before running off upstairs.

I put some y/f/tv/s (your favourite tv show) and watched one episode. I couldn't fully focus as I was too busy thinking about Scott, the radio, Ed, everything. I couldn't believe what had happened that day, it seemed a blur, though it was yesterday.

I turned off the tv and I fell asleep on the sofa with y/b/f/n's words floating around my head.

i love you - scott mctominayWhere stories live. Discover now