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The first half of the day went past quickly. On the bus, I watched a few episodes of whatever Scott was watching. I don't know what on earth it was, but it seemed... interesting.

After the bus ride back to Manchester, there was a small training session before we got back home. I was still startled by the message I received in the early hours of today. Scott noticed I wasn't fully part of it.

Once we got home Scott was not letting me go anytime soon. We were talking about random nothings until he asked me a question.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. You?"

"No, I mean, like, are you alright alright. Something's up and I don't know what."

"Erm... it's nothing. I'm probably overreacting, as per usual."

"So, something is up. What is it, love?"

"I got these messages and I don't know what to do."

I showed it to him. His eyes widened at the message. He grabbed the phone off of me. "I'll take a picture of that and ask the lads to see if they recognise the number."

Scott did just that, and nobody recognised the number. Dan James googled it and it only came up with a number from Manchester. That's the only lead we have so far.

I checked to see if it was either y/b/n or y/b/f/n, but the numbers didn't match.

I got a message from the number shortly after.

4:22 pm

We need your answer now, y/n.

The clock is ticking.

Will you play the game and save yourself?

Or will you let the scratch marks sink in?


"Scott, they've messaged me again."

Scott came rushing over. "What have they put?"

I showed him the messages. "What do I do?"

"I'll take pictures again and we'll send it to the police, love, you need to be safe."


Come on, y/n.

Scott will be soon.

We know what's going on between you two.

So, choose fast.


"I'll do something on social media, y/n/n."

"If you do that something bad will happen, you know."

"Well, what are you thinking of doing?"

"Message them back..."

"What? That's the LAST thing to do."

"I don't know what I'm saying. I'm just terrified."

4:26 pm

Four minutes.

Don't bother leaving. We can get you easier then.


"They're setting a timer."

"Right, we need to get to the station. Now."

"They said don't leave!"

i love you - scott mctominayWhere stories live. Discover now