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Crystal Palace. A team I am yet to face as the men's manager. It will be the same on Sunday as the derby, as I wasn't there the first time (because of a certain two people).

Michael Carrick, Mike Phelan and a few more of the coaching staff are back after their self-isolation. Also, Edi is back with the squad, so I had a lot more options to choose from this week.

We got to Selhurst Park and signed in etc. Team news was announced, and kick-off was only an hour later.

Kick-off: we're ready for this game. Taking the knee is always an important message to support.

HT: Crystal Palace 0 - 0 Manchester United. It was an interesting first half. Nothing to come from it yet. We still have to push to the end.

FT: Crystal Palace 0 - 0 Manchester United. A bad game for both teams, but we're taking the one point back to Manchester. There are still plenty improvements to be made, but we'll keep fighting.

I didn't speak much on the way back to the hotel. An occasional 'yeah' and 'no' was all that I really said. I think everything that happened on Monday is still fresh in my mind.

"y/n, are you okay? You're normally laughing and joking with us. Don't worry about the other two, it's their fault they did what they did." Bruno asked. At least someone had noticed.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for asking, Bruno, but I'll be alright. How are you, anyway?"

"I'm good, yeah. You can always talk to us about anything, you know. We probably won't understand your female problems, but you can let it out."

"Cheers, Bruno. You legend."

Bruno then went back to resume his conversation with Alex, so I was left in my own thoughts. Every now and again Scott would look back at me, but Dan wasn't giving up his conversation anytime soon. Scott barely had time for any breathing space before Dan continued.

Aaron was dying to show Dan something on his phone, so Scott took this as his chance to wrap an arm around my shoulder. My head found his shoulder and the butterflies grew bigger as his hand moved to find mine on my lap. Each finger slowly laced into my own while a smile grew wide on my face, though no one could see it because of my mask.

The bus ride was soon finished. I was pretty exhausted after screaming at 11 men on a football pitch for ninety minutes, so I went to my room straight away. Scott wanted to face-time me, so I accepted the call.

"Hey, love. Are you okay? You were extremely quiet for what you're normally like, baby. Talk to me."

"I still think Monday's in my mind. I don't know why, but I'll block it out from now on. I need Sunday to be one of the best games of my career."

"Talk to me about it love. I know you're probably not one to talk about your feelings with most men being pricks, but you can trust us. Look at me,"


"Open up whenever you need to. Even if it is as simple as how bad your tea was in the morning, just talk, baby."

"Tommy. You know I'll talk to you when I need to. Let me just quickly change into my pj's."

"I'll do the same thing, then."

I put my phone on my bed and got changed. "I'm back!"

"Wait a minute!"

"Huh, why? Why does it look like your walking?"

A knock on my door rang my ears.

I opened the door to be engulfed in a hug by a six foot four man.

"Scott, really?"

"Yeah. Look on your bed, I've given you something."

"I'll look at it soon, you get back to your room before you get in trouble."

Scott quickly pressed a kiss to my cheekbone. "I will. I'm still talking more on the phone, okay?"

"Of course, you get going now."

"See you soon, princess." Scott got out of the hug and started walking away.

I shut the door and got my phone. Scott was opening his door.

"Look at what I've given you, baby girl. I wanna see your reaction."

I turned my head to look at the bed to find Scott's traveling jumper, a little scrunched up. "Scott, you know you'll need this tomorrow."

"I've got two."

"Wha- how? I only got mine a few weeks ago! And it's a size too small!"

"If they question it, just say you were sick of it being small on you, so you took one of mine so you were comfortable."

"Okay, but thank you, Tommy, you're too kind."

"It's for you, baby. It's yours for the keeping, my queen."

"Thank you." I slipped the jumper on over my shirt.

"It suits you, baby girl. I love and miss you."

"I love you too, Tommy. You just saw me, like, five minutes ago."

"Yeah, but it's different when I can't hold you. I need you. I need you in my arms. It's even more torture knowing you're in the same building as me."

"I miss being in your arms, if I'm being honest. It is a bit hard knowing you're right around the corner."

"See? Thank you. I am knackered, princess. Can I get some rest?" Scott hid his face in his bed sheets.

"You don't need to ask, Tommy. Just say it; I understand. You get some rest. I need you for Sunday."

Scott moved so he was lying down. "Okay, princess. Sweet dreams."

"I love you, sweet dreams."

"I love you more, baby. Night." Scott showed a weak smile before hanging up.

I finished getting myself ready for bed and then I turned out the lights. A little anxious, knowing that last time it was an away game I got the creepy messages.

I got into bed, inhaling the light smell of Scott's cologne. My eyes fell shut and I was asleep by the hour.

At least I didn't have any messages come through this time.

i love you - scott mctominayWhere stories live. Discover now