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"Oh, so no one has been concerned about the fact that Scott is my boyfriend? And that we are in a relationship?"

I think Dan nearly passed out due to too much coming at him at once.

"Oh my god, it's real, it's real!"

"Dan, calm it!"

"How do you expect me to calm it? When's the wedding? I better get front row seats."

"Dan!" Scott (partially) scolded the Welshman. "You'll probably be stood up there with me, so you'll get an even better view."

"OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD! I think I'm gonna faint."

"So, let me get this straight: y/n and Scott are a couple?"

Scott looked at me before we both responded. "Yes."

"Show us."


"Prove it."

"How, exactly, are you wanting us to do that?"


"If we do that, I think we'll have to call 999 for Dan."

"So what? Yeah, you probably will, but it will be worth it. DO IT!"

We pulled down our masks and kissed. It was only for a couple of seconds, but as Dan said, it was worth it.

"And... posted!"

"Huh? What?"

"I may or may not have just posted it on Instagram..."

"Oh my god, Ed is going to KILL me!"

I grabbed my phone and called him.

"y/n, what do you need now?"

"I just called to say that Scott and I are dating, and if you're pissed off about it then sack me right now. Either deal with us in a relationship or get rid of me."

"What? Why would I sack you? I actually think you and Scott would be a good couple."


"Yeah! You two enjoy yourselves. Just don't get pregnant yet, I need you for as long as I can without maternity leave."

I laughed. "Don't worry, I haven't fully thought about that yet, you don't need to fret."

"I'll let you get going, y/n. Talk to you tomorrow."

"Yeah, we'll talk tomorrow, see you!"

Ed hung up on me. I nearly screamed at the reaction from him.

At least we could be public and Ed would be fine with it, and with Dan outing us on Instagram, we were both happy with it.

Once we were back at the hotel, Ed granted me permission for Scott and me to share a room.

"I can't believe we are out to the world. We will probably get more hate, but so what? We can be what we want." Scott said, pulling me into a hug.

"Yeah, no more secrets."

"I love you, princess. So much," Scott pressed a kiss to my nose. "Can we cuddle?"

"I love you too, Tommy. Yeah, if that's what you want."

Scott and I settled on the bed, me in his recently-worn United jumper, as my one was in Manchester. Safe to say I'll be living in that when he's on International duty.

"I'll miss you next week. I can't manage two nights, how am I going to manage a week?"

"I promise you that I'll call you and message you every single day."

"Good. I don't know how I can live without you, bubba."

Scott's lips placed onto mine, delicately. He pulled back, wanting to tell me something. "Come here."

I moved closer to him and he held me, tightly.

"I'll be living in your clothes religiously, next week. Not that it is any different than normal, but your wardrobe is now mine."

"I love it when you're in my clothes. You don't need to ask me, just say that you want them. I don't mind, princess." Scott spoke, with a soft voice.

"Can we try and sleep? I am knackered. You must be, too."

"Yeah. Night, princess. I love you so so much."

"I love you more, Tommy. Night."


a/n the last chapter containing a game! there will be one more after this, then it will be the end of this book.

thank you for the support on this, it is amazing and i love every single one of you.

stay safe,

c.b <3

i love you - scott mctominayWhere stories live. Discover now