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I woke up in Scott's arms. Both were wrapped around my abdomen, holding me tight. I looked over to see him in a deep slumber. His mouth was open, snoring lightly. I moved a bit to look at him better, and he still looked handsome. My thumb rubbed against his cheek, admiring his beauty. He stirred softly.

"Did your parents ever tell you that it's rude to stare?" He asked quietly, his voice croaky from just being woken up.

"They did. Anyway, I'm not staring; I'm admiring. There's a difference between the two."

He hummed inaudibly. "Admiring, eh? What are you admiring exactly?"

"I think you know that,"

"No, I don't. What are you admiring?" His grip tightened; he smiled smugly without showing his teeth.

"You. I'm admiring you." My cheeks flushed red.

"Hmm. I can get used to that," Scott kissed my cheek. "Breakfast?"

"Yes, please, I'm starving!" I said, starting to get up, but he pulled me back.

"We're not going yet. I want to hold you a little while longer."

"It's 8. You know I take ten years to get ready, and I need to be there for half 9 to speak with the physio's, then Ed. I've got media at 10 for the game against Everton too."

"Why does your schedule have to be so busy? I want to be with you all day."

"You can once we get home from training, or when I'm in my office answering emails."

"Okay then," he sighed. "We can get up at... 5 past. Just a little longer, please?" He gave me puppy-dog eyes.

"Fine. Just this once though," I said.

"Hm. Know you'd come round eventually," Scott said. He kissed my lips sweetly, then shuffled around to make himself comfier.

The five minutes felt like five seconds. It was too swift for both of our likings; we both knew that.

"Come on, Tommy, can we get up now?"

"Fine. I'll make breakfast; you can get our stuff from upstairs. Everything's in my wardrobe, and my bag is on the desk."


We got up. Scott pulled me into a small hug and kiss. He walked off into the kitchen and shouted, "My room's the first one on the right, love!"

"Okay, Tommy!"

I ran up the stairs and grabbed my things. I laid them on my bed; I went into Scott's room. I went to his wardrobe; I pulled his clothes down. I took them off the hangers. I spotted his bag on his desk and picked it up. Underneath was a journal, with engravings all over the front. I was intrigued by the notebook, but considering that our relationship might go to waste after less than 24 hours, I left it alone. I stepped down the stairs with both our belongings in hand.

"I've got your stuff, Scott!" I said, entering the kitchen and placing his stuff on the back of a chair.

"Cheers, love. Nearly done with breakfast." He said whilst serving two omelettes, each on separate plates.

"Aww, thanks, Tommy! You're a legend."

"I know." He laughed, handing me a plate.

He sat next to me, now and again shifting towards me. I ate the omelette relatively quickly.

"That was amazing; I feel like I'm at a 5-star restaurant. You're awesome!"


I grabbed my clothes and walked into the bathroom. I had a quick shower, dried myself quite speedily and I put on the clothes. I used the hairdryer whilst Scott went off upstairs. I put it up in a high ponytail; I ran upstairs to my room and applied some light foundation and mascara. I went down the stairs with my bag.

"I'm off now, Scotty!" I called up.

"One sec!" He came bouncing down the stairs and met me in the hallway. "Enjoy your millions of meetings; I'm sure they'll be tons of fun."

"Yes, of course, they will be. Media duty with that one MUTV reporter who hates me!"

"They shouldn't hate you at all. I can't see how that man can." He pecked my lips. "Get going, love. I don't want you to be late." He kissed my lips again, but for a little longer.

"See you soon, Tommy."

I left the house and went in my car then put on the radio. I prayed that nobody would trigger me like last time I listened to them. The ride to the training complex seemed shorter, as I enjoyed plenty of songs from the station. I went to go and speak to the physio's to inform them of any potential injuries.

i love you - scott mctominayWhere stories live. Discover now