Chapter Forty-one - Dobby

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It's been a month since I've been here in the Malfoy Manor

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It's been a month since I've been here in the Malfoy Manor. Things aren't easy, I miss my family and I am still trying to figure out how to get rid of the dark mark my father gave me. I don't consider Voldemort my dad, I never will. Even if he doesn't feel the same as me, my father will always be Elijah. Always.

I have a great time here sometimes, being with Draco is very nice and people don't treat me as badly as before, Lucius is now afraid of me because I'm the dark lord's daughter, it is funny, very funny to me.

Today, I heard a strange conversation downstairs. I think they got people locked in the cellar. I need to help.

Draco tried to teach me how to apparate, I guess it's the perfect time to test it out. I'm scared of losing an arm or two but I guess it will be okay.

I focus on the cellar and I do the spell, I quickly feel my body being forced through a tight tube, it kinda hurts. I feel unsteady and the urge to vomit appears in my lungs.

I feel my body crashing with the floor.

"Ouch." I say rubbing my head while laying on the floor.

"Are you okay? You seem a little dizzy." I hear a sweet voice asking. I look up and see a familiar blond girl.

"I'm Luna Lovegood." she says stretching out his hand.

"I'm Marie Balfour!" I ask grabbing her hand and she helps me up.

We were still hand-in-hand, she looked at my forearm and stared at the mark in it.

"I didn't choose to have it." I said and she looked at me

"I know. I don't feel like you are one of them." she said and smiled.

She lets my hand go and I feel the coldness of the air reaching my skin.

"You have warm hands." she said.

I remember Luna. She was a Ravenclaw in Ginny's year. She was in the dumbledore's army too.

"I came here to help you. I heard there were people in the cellar, I want to help you out of here."

"It's not just me." she says, I look at the back and I see a Goblin and Mr. Ollivander.

"I will try everything I can to help you, I promise." I say and Luna smiles.

I feel the need to help them. If I don't, I will be on their side, on the side of the death eaters.

I hear someone going down the stairs and I say, "I have to go. Wait for me, I will come back!" I say and Luna says "See you later, Marie."

I apparate back into my room, it gets easier after the first time. I hear Bellatrix yelling and a girl screaming. I hope Luna is okay.

I should go see what is happening. I leave my room and go to the drawing-room.

I get there and see a disturbing scene. Bellatrix on top of Hermione, the word Mudblood carved in her skin.

I stand there, tears filling my eyes.

"Bellatrix, enough!" I say and the woman looks surprised.

"Who are you to speak like this to me, you filthy half-blood?!" She asks rushing towards me, leaving Hermione alone.

"I am Marie fucking Riddle and you will leave my friends alone." I say and she quickly stops remembering of my father. It's very useful to say that I am his daughter sometimes, people respect me out of fear.

I run towards Hermione, "Are you okay?" I say as I caress her face. Hermione is one of my best friends, it hurts to see her like this.

She was quiet and didn't respond. She looked shocked, traumatized, hurt...

I see wormtail bringing the goblin from the cellar and all the attention is directed to them.

I look at the dark corridor and see a small figure.

"Be right back, Hermione, we will be okay." I say and run towards the corridor.

I see the small elf running from me and I say, "there is no need to run, I want to help."

The elf looks a little distrustful but he says, "I'm Dobby, I am a free elf. I've come to save Harry Potter and his friends."

"Perfect! I am trying to help them too. I didn't know Harry was here, but I am almost sure they are all in the cellar. You know where the cellar is?" I ask and he says he does.

"Dobby will save his friends." that's the last thing I've heard of him before he disappeared.

I go back to the drawing-room and I try to go back to Hermione but Draco grabs me.

"Let go of me, Draco!" I say clenching my jaw.

"Who got into my vault?! Who stole it?! Who stole it?!" Bellatrix aggressively interrogated the Goblin.

I tried to release myself from Draco's grip but he was stronger than me.

Bellatrix and the Goblin kept talking and I tried to convince Draco to let me go.

I whisper to him, "Please, Draco! She's hurt! She's hur-"

"LIAR!" I am interrupted by Bellatrix screaming at the Goblin.

"Consider yourself lucky, Goblin." she whispered and then walked towards Hermione. I try to break out of Draco's arms but he holds me tighter.

"The same won't be said for this one." Bellatrix says and looks at Hermione.

"Don't touch her!" I say and Bellatrix turns to face me.

I see Harry and Ron rushing into the room, Ron disarms Bellatrix while Harry takes care of Lucius. Draco lets go of me and starts to fire spells alongside with Narcissa.

"Stop!" We hear Hermione screaming.

Draco takes Harry's and Ron's wands.

"Well, well, well... Look what we have here... It's Harry Potter." Bellatrix says while holding a knife against Hermione's throat, "He is all bright and shiny and new again... Just in time for the dark lord... Call him!" she demands.

Narcissa and Lucius look at Draco, that stood there out of breath and shaky.

Lucius takes the lead and positions his hand up to his mark but is quickly interrupted by the chandelier tumbling down.

Ron embraces Hermione in a hug and they join Harry, Dobby and the Goblin near the stairs.

"Stupid Elf! You could've killed me!" Bellatrix screams.

"Dobby never meant to kill! Dobby only meant to maim or seriously injure." Dobby says and disarms Narcissa.

"How dare you take a witch's wand?! How dare you defy your masters?!" Bellatrix yells at him.

"Dobby has no master, Dobby is a free elf and Dobby has come to save Harry Potter and his friends." Dobby says proudly.

"Marie! Come!" Hermione calls for me.

I look at Draco and he is looking at me, I can't leave him. I turn to Bellatrix and I see her throwing her knife in their direction.

"I can't! Dobby, go!" I scream and they leave but the knife goes with them. Oh God, I hope they are okay.

I feel tears in my eyes and I fall to my knees. Draco comes towards me.

"Let's go to my room, you need some rest." he says and takes my hand.

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