Chapter Twenty-three - Marriage

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Draco POV

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Draco POV

I put on my usual black suit and go down to the living room, it's Sunday and today the Parkinson family came for a dinner.

When I go down there I see my parents dressed nicely, Pansy, wearing a dark green dress, and her parents dressed nicely as well.

"Hello." I say awkwardly.

"Draco!" Pansy's father says happy, her family likes me a lot.

"Good evening Mr. and Mrs. Parkinson... Pansy..." I say while I sit down at my place at the table.

"Draco, it's been so long..." Pansy says smiling, her voice was soft and staid.

"I know." I say giving them a fake smile.

I like them, I just can't get married to Pansy, I don't want to. But my parents want me to marry a pureblood with a good family as they say.

The time was passing and we started to eat our meals.

"These days, we have to rely on those who are purebloods, most wizards are half-bloods or even muggle-borns. We can't risk getting mixed!" Pansy's father says.

"I know. It's a shame, not all pureblood families think this way. Have you seen the Weasleys, a shame! Blood traitors!" My father responds.

They talked and talked until they got to the subject.

"So... Draco, Pansy... How would you guys feel about getting married?" Pansy's mother asks.

Pansy blushes and smiles at me. I think her response was pretty clear.

"Draco would love to! They are the perfect match, I totally support them together! Maybe Pansy could help Draco getting in the right way again, he's been a little rebellious these days..." my father says.

"Actually... Father... I-" I stop when he gives me a dirty look.

"What, Draco? Continue..." Pansy's father lets out

"No, it's just... I feel too young to marry..." I mumble and everyone at the table laughs

"Draco... Me and your father got married young and look at us, it worked out so well!" my mother says sweet and calmly to me.

I don't respond. Yeah, worked out so well. He treats you like shit, mum. That's all I think. If I said this, my dad would kill me!

We finish dinner and the Parkinsons leave.

I went to my room and sat there breathing the cold air. I take a bath and change into my pyjamas. They were the ones she wore. I remember hugging her right on this bed, holding her by the waist, smelling the sweet flowery smell she had on her neck.

I sit there remembering everything until my mum enters my room.

"Draco... Can I talk to you?"

"Yes, mother." I respond

She sits by my side and looks at me, I love her so much. She smiles and asks, "Is everything okay? You seemed a little bit off today at the dinner, you are usually so talkative."

I look down at my lap and let out a heavy whiff.

"I was just a little sad with the fight I had with father..." I say and she looks at me.

"Is this it or there's something else?" she asks as she knows of something, she knows me better than anyone else.

I stay silent and she completes, "or someone else?"

I feel my face warming up and I confess, "I can't marry Pansy, I am in love with someone else."

We both stay silent and she asks, "It's the girl, isn't it?"

I wait a few seconds and answer hesitantly, "yes".

She hugs me and looks at me, I see once again the pity on her face.

"Draco... You know you can't be together, right?"

"I do." I answered looking down holding back my tears.

"Just give Pansy a chance. She is such a nice girl and she seems to like you so much!" my mother asks and she's right.

"I will"

I didn't want to marry Pansy, but it is the best option. That way, Marie can have someone that truly deserves her and I can keep up with my normal life and make my parents happy again.

"I will marry Pansy."

My mum smiles and gives me a good night kiss on my forehead.

Later, I could hear the conversation in the other room.

"He agreed to marry Pansy." my mother said

"I knew he was still my son! He will go back to normal!" my father says

"I just feel bad for forcing him, Lucius... We married young but we married for love..." my mother says

"We are doing him a favor, trust me." my father says and the dialogue stopped.

I go in the direction of the fireplace and burn the letters I have written one by one, it's the best I can do.

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