Chapter Two - The House of Black

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It's time, I should probably get going before it's too late, I tell myself

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It's time, I should probably get going before it's too late, I tell myself. I grab the spoon and quickly feel my body deforming, my vision is confused and everything twists. In less than seconds, I blink and see the narrow corridor. I hear voices, familiar voices coming from the dining room. I am here, 12 Grimmauld Place.

I get up and run through the entrance, I see my parents sitting at the end of the long table. Next to them were my godfather, Lupin, and Kingsley. They stopped talking when they saw me standing at the door.

"Marie? I didn't know you would visit this soon!" my mother said surprised.

Suddenly, a short figure leaves the kitchen, holding a pot. When she looks at me, she opens her eyes wide with surprise.

"Oh, my dear! How are you? I'm so happy that you came! I'm making chicken and ham pie!" she says embracing me in a big hug and holding my face.

"Molly! It smells like heaven but I have already eaten at school!" I told her embarrassed.

"I don't think there is a problem in eating twice!" Molly whispered, smiled and I told her I would stay for dinner and she left happily back to the kitchen.

My mom let out a little giggle and told me, "your friends are upstairs."

I burst through the staircase and start to listen to very friendly voices, they chatted in sync and I recognized them immediately.

"Fred! George!" I scream as I enter the room.

"Hello, Marie!" they greet me together.

I glance at the room and they were playing board games, my brother Louis was also in the room. He came in my direction and said "how can you ignore your brother like this?" and I responded "I saw you yesterday! It's no fun at all!" making him laugh.

"Harry, Mione, Ginny and Ron are in the other room! You should go see them!" Fred said while moving his checker on the board.

I left the room and joined the trio and Ginny. I hugged the four of them and they started asking me questions about Hogwarts, they felt very sad about what was happening there and we spent a long time talking about the war and Horcruxes. I felt really bad about the fact that I couldn't help. My parents didn't want me to get involved in the order, I know it is for my safety but I want to help, I want to be useful.

Suddenly, I heard Molly's voice screaming from the bottom of the stairs "Kids it's time for dinner!". We all rush downstairs, craving for Molly's ham pie.

When we get to the dining room everyone is there, three more people were added to the table, Moody, Tonks and Arthur Weasley.

Everyone was enjoying the delicious meal.

"It's brilliant, Mrs.Weasley!"Harry mumbled.
"It really is brilliant" said Ron with his mouth full of chicken.
"Stop eating like a pig, Ronald!" Hermione said hitting him and everyone laughed.

The adults started talking about the plans they had to get the Horcruxes, Harry said they would enter the ministry using polyjuice potion.

"I wish I could help..." I told everyone
"You won't" my dad said rigidly
"I know you care for my safety, but I'm seventeen! I can help! I'm not a kid!" I told him and I felt tears forming in my eyes.
"It's dangerous, darling. I guarantee that when it is time you will help, just not right now!" my mom said sweetly and tried to comfort me.
"The war doesn't wait! There is no right time! It is already happening and we all need to fight or else we will all get killed and you know that! I'm tired of waiting!" I said letting the tears run in my cheeks.

My mom tried to talk to me but I left and went to one of the rooms. I hear footsteps and see Remus standing at the door.

"You know Marie... They are trying to protect you." he said and then sat down next to me.

"I know... I'm just tired of not being able to do anything!" I told him crying.

"If it means that much to you, I can give you a task. A simple one, but it would help." he said smiling at me.

"Are you serious?" I said opening a smile.

"Yes! We need the ingredients for the polyjuice potion! Tomorrow, use the portkey to get here and I'll send you by floo powder to the Diagon Alley so you can buy the items." he explained.

"Thank you so much, Lupin! That means the world to me!" I said hugging him.

"Just be careful, things aren't friendly out there anymore."

"I will."

I look at the clock and it's time to go. I say goodbye to everyone and grab my spoon, I feel the world spinning and I end up in my dormitory. I grab my pyjamas and change. I brush my teeth and lay down in my bed. My eyes get heavier and heavier until I fall into my dreams...

I see a man, dressed in a black suit. He walks like he's not trying to be seen. He walked in a fast pace through a dark street. I follow him and he doesn't notice. He opens the door of a dark rustic pub and turns around to close the door. His eyes, they were ice cold and his hair was as light as the daylight. He was gorgeous and mysterious. He looked at me and closed the door.

I wake up in a rush, my heart is pounding fast and I couldn't breathe properly. Who was this man? He seemed so familiar and yet so unknown.

I calm down, give up on my thoughts and go back to sleep peacefully.

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