Chapter Twenty-four - Father part II

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Marie POV

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Marie POV

I wake up late, it's already lunchtime. I get up and change into a black casual silk dress. I get down and everyone is at the table already eating lunch.

"Morning" I say sitting and grabbing a plate.

The twins come in my direction and sit, leaving me between them two, "mooorning" they say simultaneously.

Everyone was chatting and eating, it was fun to be with them all.

I look at the clock and it's already one-thirty, me and Harry should get going.

"Harry, we should already go." I say

"Where are you two going?" Molly asks

"We have to buy some things in Hogsmeade." Harry says

My father looks in disapproval and says, "If it is dangerous enough out there to not go to school, they shouldn't be wandering around Hogsmeade like idiots."

"Stop being so rude, Elijah." I cut him and he looks angry at me, he hates it when I call him by his first name.

Me and Harry get up and put on our shoes, I decided to wear leather boots.

Harry stays there looking at me.

"Come on, Harry! Let's go!" I say snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Yeah, yeah, let's go." he says rapidly. Harry is so awkward.

We go to the fireplace, we were going by floo powder. Harry enters the fireplace first, he has a historic of going to the wrong places, I need to see where he goes first.

He grabs the powder and says, "You know, Marie? You look very pretty."



What the hell just happened? He called me pretty, that's weird... Harry isn't the type of person to compliment a lot.

I do the same as Harry and go to Hogsmeade.

When I get there I see a shy looking Harry looking at his hands leaning on a wall.

"Let's go! McGonagall told us to meet her at the Three Broomsticks." I say and Harry nods

We enter the place, it was empty. No Hogwarts students, no families, just a table taken by two drunk men who were always there.

We walk around and when we get to a more isolated area of the pub, we see McGonagall sitting all by herself waiting for us.

"Hello Professor!" Harry says

"Mr. Potter, Ms. Balfour, it's very good to see you!" Minerva greets us

We sit and I ask, "So, professor... You wanted to see us, right?"

"Yes. I have something very important to tell you, but we have to be careful, no one can listen and either know about this! That's why I didn't want to meet you at Hogwarts, it's not safe anymore."

We start to listen to her closely, the conversation was serious.

"It's very shocking, especially for Marie. Only your parents, me and the other person involved know about this. Please, don't spread it, it was what Dumbledore praised the most, he always used to tell me that it was important to tell you because it could help in the war but spreading it too soon could make things worst."

"What is it, professor?" I ask curiously.

Professor McGonagall is really hesitant to tell, it must be really serious.

"It's quite delicate... It's about your father, Marie, your real father."

"What do you mean by real father?" I ask her

"Marie... The father that you know as yours isn't actually your biological father." her words hit me like a truck, I feel like my whole life was a lie. I look at Harry and he looks shocked.

"What? Who is my father, professor?" I ask and I feel my cheeks burning, I want to cry. That's why my father treats me so badly, I am not even his daughter.

"Everyone makes mistakes when they are young... You know... Your mother was young, your brother was still a baby and your parents marriage wasn't going too well. She met a man, much older than her, he was attractive, they didn't know each other much and they were not careful enough and when she truly discovered who he was... She immediately regretted everything, but there was one little thing... She got pregnant. She didn't lie to your father, she told him everything and for Louis to have a normal childhood, they chose to stay together. Their marriage got better but they had to lie to you, pretend you were his daughter and they didn't want to tell you this, that's why I don't want you to tell them I did tell you. I know it's hard and you want answers but they won't be happy to know you know."

I can't believe it. I feel like a mistake, a massive mistake. Who is he? Who is my real father?

"Who is my father, McGonagall?" I ask feeling a warm tear leaving my eye.

"That's the hardest part. You know, Marie... Your father is a splendidly powerful wizard but he chose the wrong path. Your father is the one we fear to say the name..." at that point I knew who she was talking about.

I look at Harry in shame, he was shocked.

"Your father is Voldemort, Marie."

"Professor... I don't know what to say... Why did my mother do this? Why would she?" I question crying

"It was just once... She didn't know who he was and neither he knew she was a muggle-born witch." Minerva said.

At this point, I just cried, professor looked at me in pity and Harry looked shocked not understanding what's happening.

"Dumbledore wanted to tell you this because if Voldemort is your father, you might have inherited some of his abilities and with Harry's help on developing them, it could be a useful tool to defeat him." McGonagall says.

I stay silent, I don't understand. Is that why he wanted me to join him? Does he know I am his daughter and having me on his enemy's side might be dangerous for him?

"I need to go back to Hogwarts, Snape will notice I am gone." Minerva says and we say goodbye.

Me and Harry sit there in silence.

"I am sorry, Harry, for being his daughter. You might hate me now." I say

"I don't, Marie... You had no choice, I know you are not like him, you are a good person." Harry told me

"I am now scared, scared of being like him. I don't even own my last name anymore, I am lost." I say

"Let's grab a butterbeer and light up the mood, shall we?" Harry says and I smile.

We drank a few cups and Harry did light up my mood.

"We should do this more often." Harry says taking a sip of his cup.

"Are you asking me out, Harry Potter?" I ask jokingly

"Maybe, Marie Balfour! Or better, Marie Riddle!" he says laughing

"Shut up, Harry!" I say and hit his arm.

I still don't know how I will face my dad. It's going to be weird after all of this.

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