Chapter Twenty - Mail

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I woke up feeling beaten up, I was still very uncomfortable with the whole situation going around

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I woke up feeling beaten up, I was still very uncomfortable with the whole situation going around. My parents wouldn't stop asking questions and I had to answer lies all the time.

My mum is more comprehensive, she's always by my side and I'm sure she wouldn't judge me but she hates it when I hide things from my dad, so telling her something he can't know is totally out of option.

My relationship with my father was never good, we had our moments but most of the time he was cold and would judge everything that I say or do. I never understood why, my father treated my brother so much better than he treated me. I would assume it was because I am a Slytherin but it has always been this way, even before going to Hogwarts.

I get up and go downstairs, I eat breakfast with Molly, Ron and Harry, it was fun to watch them hiss at each other all the time. Later Ginny joined us and we talked a little.

Molly said my parents and Louis left to solve some things, my family was very secretive, they never told me much about anything.

I go up and encounter Morgana and Owen. We chatted and I'm pretty sure she is into my brother... Ew! I noticed they got really close since I got nearly killed and she can't stop talking about him!

"Louis is just so funny, he told me-" she started but I interrupted, "Enough of Louis, how are you guys staying here? People in Hogwarts might be looking for us, especially you, since I'm 'out with my family' as Snape says." I say.

"Your parents talked to our parents and Professor McGonagall, she agreed that Hogwarts was dangerous at the moment and that we shouldn't risk staying there. Especially you, Marie." Owen explained.

"Why me?"

"Yeah, why you, Marie?" Edward said entering the room holding a glass with pumpkin juice.

"Speaking of McGonagall, there's a letter from her downstairs. It's for you, Marie." Morgana told me.

"Thank you, Morgs. I'll go get it!"

I rush downstairs and go to the living room where all the letters usually stayed.

I start to go through all the envelopes, it was too much!

"Need a hand, Marie?" someone asks, I turn around and see Lupin.

"Yes, please! I don't understand how this mail is organized." I tell him and he smiles.

"I know, I find it hard too."

He starts to go through the letters looking for mine.

"How are you feeling, Marie?" he asks in a friendly way.

"Oh, you know... Everything is very confusing right now, but it will be okay... I guess..." I respond looking at my shoes.

"If you need someone to talk to, I'm here!" Lupin answers and I smile and nod.

He takes two letters in his right hand, "there you go!" he says handing me the envelopes, "the white one is from McGonagall and the black one has no return address." he explains.

"Thank you, Lupin!" I say and go to the room I'm sleeping in. Morgana, Ginny, and Hermione sleep there too, but none of them are there at the moment, I am glad. I like to read my letters in privacy.

I sit on the mattress and I open McGonagall's letter...

Dear Ms. Balfour,

I hope you are doing well due to the recent incidents.
Dumbledore wanted to talk to you sometime before he died. Unfortunately, he was not able to but I take on the responsibility to tell you about some things you might not know about yourself.
This is very important, meet me at the Three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade on Monday, next week.
Don't tell anyone and bring Mr. Potter!

Take care,
Professor McGonagall.

This is very weird! 'Some things I might not know about myself'? Why would I have to bring Harry? This is very weird!

I grab the next envelope, it was entirely black. I open it and see a message written on parchment paper with dark black ink...

Dear Marie,

Your lips are the sweetest I've ever tasted, your eyes are captivating and loving you was an escape from my personal hell. I am sorry for everything, I don't expect you to accept my apologies either to write back but I just want you to know that I am sorry. I hope one day I can see you again.

I miss you,

Draco... I miss him... Very much. I don't know how to respond to the letter, I just want to tell him how much I miss him but I can't, I shouldn't.

I lay down on my bed and look at his masculine handwriting and the stains of ink on the parchment, what makes me smile, he is a mess, it makes me crazy.

I know he is bad for me, he hurts me, he treated me like trash the last time I've seen him but I can't help myself but miss his presence. Draco was sweet when he wanted to, but bitter when he needed to. I can't expect him to protect me, he will always protect himself first.

I feel my face warming up and a single tear sliding down my face.

I grab the parchment paper and my quill.

I start to write...


You hurt me badly, but I can't help myself but miss you by my side. I never told you that, but your eyes are deeper than the deepest oceans. I will wait, forever, when the destiny will bring us again together. Till then, remember me, like your love songs.

Yours truly,


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There are a lot of crazy things about to happen!!! Just wait ;)



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