Chapter Forty - Christmas

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Marie POV

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Marie POV

I open my eyes and the sun invades the dark curtains. I smash my face in the pillow and I think to myself about how much my life has changed. At least I have Draco by my side, he is worth it. I will figure it out and we will have a normal life after all of this is over. I just want to be in that cottage again, living that day over and over again.

I hear a noise coming from the corridor and I see Draco holding a small black present box.

"Merry Christmas, love."

Christmas??? I didn't know it was Christmas. I'm really lost in time.

"I didn't even know it was Christmas!" I say and I smile as he gets closer to me.

He sits by my side and hands me the box.

"It's for you." he told me

"Thank you, darling! You didn't have to-" I start but he interrupts me, "Yes, I did. You're my girlfriend."

"You never asked me to be your girlfriend, but I do enjoy being called that. Very much." I say and he smiles.

"You want to be my girlfriend, then?" he asks and smiles, "of course I do! I want to be your everything." I respond.

"Very well then, my girlfriend, my lover, my wife, my baby-" he starts to list laughing and I slap his arm lightly while I giggle.

"Open your present." he says

I open the black box and inside it, a black velvet jewelry box. I open it and see a silver snake ring.

"Wow, it's beautiful, Draco! Thank you so much!" I say and he kisses me.

He hugs me, a hot hug. He was holding me as if I was the only thing that mattered. He was holding me as if he was going to lose me.

We separate from the hug. He takes the ring from the box and puts it on my finger, kissing my hand right after.

I look and my arm and I am reminded of the dark mark on it. My face that was full of happiness and passion was quickly washed over by pain and sorrow.

"No, darling! Don't cry!" he says holding my face.

I hide my face in his chest and we stay there, both hurt but both in love. Our hot bodies complemented each other and we stood there, as simple as it is.

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