Chapter One - The Grey Castle

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⚠️ Warning

This story happens differently than the official timeline.
The second wizarding war is taking a long time, people that died in the deathly hallows are still alive and harry's generation is currently 19.

Obs: I'll leave a song in each chapter for you guys to listen while reading! Xo


I'm Marie, Marie Balfour

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I'm Marie, Marie Balfour. I just turned seventeen and I'm in my last year at Hogwarts. Things aren't exactly how I wish they would occur. Since my fourth year, the wizarding war has been terrorizing my life.

I'm a Slytherin and even with the favoritism our headmaster Severus Snape has towards us, it is a living hell. People see us and think we can't be trusted, the other houses despise us and think of us as just a bunch of death eaters, and inside our house, we didn't even count on each other, we never knew what side people were picking and that's why I don't have any friends, at least in school.

Outside Hogwarts, I have some good friends, my older brother Louis's friends. My parents Greta and Elijah are part of The Order of the Fenix and my family is a line of Gryffindors, I'm the first Slytherin born with our surname.

I step out of the train and see all the students organizing themselves in lines, they walk simultaneously to the point where we took our carriages. I can't help myself but think about the magic Hogwarts lost, nothing is the same. I do remember my first years at school when we would exit the train and see all the happy students piling up excited about learning another year of magic, friendship, and union. So careless, so simple, so nostalgic. Now Hogwarts isn't lighted up and bright, it is as grey as the dark arts that had taken over our reality.

I enter my carriage and the only thing I could hear was the wheels against the ground, everything is so silent and everyone is so reserved, it doesn't seem like the same Hogwarts I knew. Occasionally, I could hear a low murmur that ended as quickly as the carriage ride.

I enter the school and instead of the great hall, we are directed to our common rooms, houses nowadays were so separated, we had almost no time to bond.

I was feeling very tired so I went to my room instead of chatting with the hesitant people downstairs. I entered the place and saw my cat Jinx laying on my bed. I look at the window and see the infinite dark water outside. My cat came to me and meowed to me sweetly, my only company.

I start to unpack and see an envelope inside my bag, it had something hard inside it. I open it and there a note and a spoon.

Dear Marie,

We gave you this spoon so you could visit us sometimes. It is a portkey and it will take you to the house of black, we will be staying there with the order from now on. Use it well.

Take care,
                  Mum and Dad.

After I read the letter, it burned, turned to ashes and quickly disappeared. A spoon. Interesting choice of object. I'm visiting them tonight.

I finished unpacking and went have dinner, I wasn't very hungry but I would get in trouble for skipping dinner.

I sat at the table and started eating until a boy came and started talking to everyone at the table.

"Did you hear the news?" he said shocked but quiet.
Everyone at the Slytherin table looked at him very curiously.

"That Hufflepuff Girl, Willow Whittle! They murdered her, the death eaters!" he announced.

Everyone started discussing, the tone got louder and louder.

"It's getting to the students!" a girl exclaimed.

"SILENCE!" our conversation was interrupted.

We turned around and saw Snape sitting in the place that used to belong to Dumbledore.

"You certainly shouldn't start spreading false information like this... The ministry of magic did not confirm that the girl was killed by Death Eaters." he said emphasizing the last two words and then continued " it is certainly a lie and it is indeed none of your businesses."

Everyone was quiet but suddenly, a Gryffindor boy got up and said "You can't deceive us! You are the liars! They will kill us! All of us! You should protect us! That's what Dumbledore would do!".

Snape glanced furiously at the boy and said "Dumbledore is dead, I am your headmaster and you shall accept it. Detention Mr. Mitchell." he said coldly.

The boy left the hall, I admired his bravery. He intrigued me in some way. I couldn't explain why.

I finished my meal and went to my dormitory. I decided, once everyone is asleep, I'll go to the black house. I want to get out of here, take my mind off this castle. I just have to be careful, very careful. They can't know, they can't see.

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