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You sat on the common room couch crying to yourself silently. Draco Malfoy had just humiliated you infront of all the great hall, telling everyone who your real parents were. Now everyone hated you, your friends all looked at you with disgust in their eyes, and your boyfriend, George Weasley, was ignoring you. They had a right to be i mean you lied to them and kept a secret hidden from them for 5 years.

Footsteps approached you and a hand shook you lightly "what.." you sniffled "here to tell me how much you despise me?" your head rose up and George smiled at you "i was looking for you darling." you dropped your head back down. George frowned and sat next to you "y/n i could care less that you're a Riddle.. i just want to know why you-" you cut him off and cleared your throat "why i hid it from you? betryal thats why! my dads a horrible person george." you lifted your head and wiped your eyes.

Your boyfriend nodded "i agree but that doesn't make you one darling.." he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close. You instantly melted to his touch and sobbed into his chest, the feeling of guilt overwhelmed you quickly "i'm so sorry George.." you managed to get out before crying some more. George felt terrible, and ignoring you didn't make him feel any better, let alone already seeing your friends give you a disgusted look already made him feel like the biggest douche for adding onto it. Before he could say anymore though Harry, Ron, Mione, Ginny, and Fred all walked in glancing at you as you sat up, Fred was the first to say something "George really? you still feel bad for the peice of shit who lied to us for 5 years!?" you flinched and went silent.

They were all looking down at you "you have no right to be crying y/n. Were the hurt ones, not you." George went to stand up for you but you stopped him "No George.. they're right, and if i'm being honest, you all deserve someone better than a worthless peice of shit who lied to you." you took a deep breath in and stood up. George looked down at the floor and back up at you "i mean because obviously since we have the same last name i'm just like him. Obviously i'm not my own fucking person." you scoffed and wiped your cheeks as they looked down at the floor in guilt.

You shook your head "lets take Hermione, her parents are muggles aren't they? but Hermiones a witch? but they all have the last name Granger. Oh and Harry Potter, your dad cheated on Lily with some Hufflepuff when he was here BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN YOU'RE GOING TO CHEAT ON GINNY WITH A HUFFLEPUFF DOES IT?!" you shouted and ran out the door, breathing heavily and crying. George looked up at the five of them standing there "you see what you've all bloody done to her? yeah she may be a Riddle, just because her fathers a bad person DOES NOT MEAN SHE IS." He ran out the door looking to find you.

You ran and Ran until your legs couldn't take it anymore causing you to collapse in the middle of the hall, leaning over and crying harder than you've ever imagined. Everyone was against you, you didn't understand why they couldn't see you weren't like him. No one is ever like their parents why all of a sudden did everyone think you were, sure you weren't Potter perfect but you were Y/N perfect. A Pair of arms wrapped around you and threw you over their shoulder "stop running from me darling." George sat you down but held onto your waist "why can't they just understand.. i'm nothing like my father." you just wanted to burst into tears again but you stopped yourself.

George shrugged "They will eventually but i understand, i know you're not your father." He smiled. You gave a half smile, hugging him tightly "can we go back to your dorm and cuddle?" you asked micheviously and of course George couldn't turn down that offer. He quickly nodded and picked you up, running down the halls causing a giggle to slip a few times. You knew George was the one.

Weasley twins x y/n Where stories live. Discover now