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hey yall! we're getting near the end of this book. Don't worry though because i plan on writing a Harry Potter one next!

October 31st.. the day y/n lupin hates the most, and yes this is because she gets freaked out over everything. Its also because George takes his pranks to the next level and goes beyond measures to scare the life out of his girlfriend. All day she has been watching over her shoulder and standing up against walls, sneaking around the corner, and placing her self in big crowds of students.

There was no sign of George all day, even his own twin brother was confused which was odd because George and Fred were always together. Y/N just kept minding her business and being the paranoid girl she is, constantly making a small noise or two everytime something fell over or made a loud noise. George had her on edge all day and she wasn't coming off of it until something finally happened which she hoped and prayed for at this point.

It started to get a little embarrassing since she would let out a huge squealing noise everytime something would spook her. She was getting a little annoyed with herself just like every professor and student in the castle. Finally the day came to an end and she made her way back to the Hufflepuff common room where all seemed a little.. too peaceful.. it was wayy to quiet especially for Hufflepuff. She crept up the stairs and slowly walked into the girls dormitory seeing no one, none of her friends were sitting on the bed, Cedric didn't even come running around the corner.

She felt off and weird, why in the world would no one be in the Hufflepuff common room? it was almost curfew. The silence eventually got too much for her, causing her to rush out of there and find her way to the library. On her way there she heard some faint footsteps, they weren't too close but not too far, and they sounded just like her boyfriends. She smirked to herself and followed the pitter patter rhythm which led to the back of the library, just then she found George hiding against a book case with what seemed to be Lunas lion hat on his hand.

Y/N tried her best to silently laugh to herself because she finally had the chance to scare him, finally one of Georges pranks went wrong and she would get revenge. She snuck around the corner and got closer to George but before she could say anything or jump at him she heard a collective shout of "BOO" from a group of people. Y/N screamed loudly and stumbled backwards into one of the chairs sitting at the table, she quickly realized that it was every single on of the hufflepuffs, and that who she thought was george was Harry under the polyjuice potion.

She buried her head down in her knees in embarrassment, cheeks glowing a bright red. George walked up behind the table and dangled a spider right infront of her face, the leg brushing against her head making her lift her head. Once again she sprung up from the floor and screamed once more, falling back into Harry, she groaned and threw her head back. "George Weasley i hate you." she said in an annoyed tone "and everyone of you!" she pointed at her fellow mates.

They all giggled and left the library one by one, Harry being the last to leave after apologizing 100 times. Neville did wear off on him. George walked over to you and held his hand out, you grabbed on and pulled him down with you, making him fall right beside you. George himself let out a shout and a grunt after hitting the floor, "y/n!" he groaned trying to surpress the giggle after. You shook your head and kissed him deeply "happy halloween weasley."

Weasley twins x y/n Where stories live. Discover now