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George and y/n were upstairs relaxing in the dorm that they shared together, cuddling with eachother as usual. George had a rough day so he was a lot more clingier than he normally was, refusing to let go of y/n.

"Georgie i told you, Draco needs me for a project in potions. I got to go love." she explained to him softly, playing with his hair.

George whined and buried his head into her neck, "no." he said which was kind of muffled.

y/n giggled and rolled her eyes, "i'll be back before you know it, promise." said y/n as she tried to slip out of his grip. it wasn't working all that well though.

The ginger headed boy tightened his grip and pulled her in closer to him, "please don't gooo" he whined.

"love, do you want me to fail professor snapes class? i don't think he'd be too happy with either me or Draco." y/n explained once more, kissing the side of his face lightly.

George let out a huff and let go of y/n, turning so that his back was facing her, pouting. y/n laughed and tried to turn him over for a quick kiss but he refused and kept his back towards her. She sighed and stood up "no goodbye kiss, i suppose." she said in a sad fake tone hoping it would spark his emotions, and it did.

George rolled over very quickly and sat up to place a soft kiss on her lips, going back to pouting after words. y/n smiled and headed out the door "i love you!" she shouted as she hopped down the stairs.


Eventually she and Draco finished the project, which meant she could make her way back to the gryffindor house. She made her way inside and caught Harry, Mione, and Ron all sitting on the couch so she decided to join them for a bit.

"how was your project with Malfoy?" Harry asked in a bitter tone, kinda glaring at y/n in the process.

y/n smacked her lips and huffed "it was fine thank you. Don't give me that look." she glared back at him and stuck her tounge out, giggling afterwards.

Hermione and Ron laughed to one another, "alright children, lets not fight now." Ron teased earning a glare from both of the Potter twins.

"i wouldn't give you that look if you didn't spend so much time with someone who wants to kill me." Harry spat out angrily.

y/n rolled her eyes "he doesn't want to kill you. If anything he wants to kiss you." she joked not knowing that Draco was serious about it when he had told her.

Harry blushed and was about to say something back until he was interrupted by George, who had snuck up behind y/n and threw her over his shoulder. "George put me down!" she demanded but all she got in response was a muffled "no."

"oi! she was talking to us mate." Ron hissed at his older brother, who didn't really care. "i've come to steal my GIRLFRIEND back." George really emphasized the word 'girlfriend' and looked at Ron who rolled his eyes.

All three of them shook their heads and waved goodbye to the short girl as George walked up the stairs with her. He got back into the door and placed her on the bed, immediately throwing his arm around her and burying his head into her neck.

y/n giggled and kissed the top of his head, "not gonna say anything red head?" she teased, George sighed deeply "you were gone too long." he said bluntly not bothering to look up at her.

"missed you too George.." she giggled and closed her eyes.

Weasley twins x y/n Where stories live. Discover now