George pt. 2

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It was the next day.

y/n didn't forget about what happened the night before, making waking up seem dreadful. She didn't want to face the family right now especially Ron, if she could she would've chosen to go back to the Manor for holiday. She'd rather be in that hell hole than this god awful place with people who treat her worse than her own god damn father.

She turned over and saw George still asleep peacefully. She stared at him for a bit admiring his morning hair, smiling whenever he mumbled in his sleep. Y/N leaned up to give him a soft kiss on his forehead but instead accidentally woke him up, "morning beautiful." he said in his groggy morning voice.

It made y/n blush and smile hard, "goodmorning handsome." she replied back as she moved a peice of hair off of his sweaty forehead. He sat up and quickly threw a shirt on, patting his girlfriends legs "breakfast time." he smiled and stood up but y/n didn't move. She stayed laying down and shaking her head "not really hungry." she replied sadly but she tried to hide it.

George pursed his lips, "i know thats not the case but i understand." his voice was sweet and calming, getting quieter as he hopped down the stairs and swung into the kitchen. Molly looked up at him and smiled but it quickly faded when she realized there was no girl at his side, "wheres y/n?" she asked curiously.

George scoffed "not eating." he stuck his hands into his pockets and sat at the table. Mollys jaw dropped a bit "and why not?" she asked and it sounded like she was offended. George shook his head and stuck his tounge against the side of his cheek, chuckling, "i don't know.. maybe because this whole family treated her like shit last night." he mumbled and shot a glare at Ron.

"well can't she still come down to eat?" Molly shrugged turning around to place the food down.

George scoffed again, "no mum. quite frankly if her family treated me the EXACT same way you treated her last night, i wouldn't have an appetite either." he spat out, fusturated.

Arthur cut in trying to cool down the tension, "in our defense-" George cut him off and threw his fork down. "there is no "our defense" dad! you had absolutely no reason to treat her the way you did." George was angry and he couldn't hide it much longer.

"She didn't do anything to you guys, nor to anyone. Yeah yeah her parents are lucius and Narcissa, so what?" he took a deep breath and gritted his teeth.

"shes a good person inside and out, and if any one if you care to know, shes in gryffindor like all of us." George turned to look at Ron, "and you know why shes never surrounded by anyone in the halls Ronald? because you and your group of friends convinced EVERYONE there that she was someone to be afraid of." his voice was rising in volume and Ron looked at the floor in guilt.

"and shes never around me in the halls because nobody knows we are even dating yet." his finger was pointing at everyone in the room, trembling with anger.

He scanned the room with his eyes, not realizing that y/n had come down. "as long as i am in love and not hurt, can you PLEASE just be happy for me? and apologize to her when shes ready, treat her like you treat Harry whenever hes here?" he sat down at the table, watching his family look at eachother.

y/n smiled hard, and her heart fluttered with butterflies, her cheeks were heating up. Man was she in love with this tall ginger dude, how lucky she felt knowing that he belonged to her. She took a deep breath and slowly walked down the stairs, awkwardly making her way into eyesight.

George noticed and looked over at her, smiling and nodding towards her. The rest of the family noticed also but just stood there in silence for awhile before George cleared his throat. Molly nodded hesitantly and gave a half smile, "im sorry, for what i said at the door. So is Arthur." she said very quickly.

y/n just nodded her head a bit, "you're fine." was all she replied with and nothing more. George raised his eyebrow at Ron who still looked like he still wanted to tear into her, "by the way George, me and my friends didn't convince anyone she was the bitch she is." Ron said with an enthusiastic smirk.

He took a sip of milk and looked at y/n, "she did that herself. See when she tried to kill Harry in 6th year, everyone found out and distanced themselfs." Ron turned away to walk up to his room but y/n grabbed him by the arm and stopped him, biting her lip trying to keep herself from punching him.

"are you gonna tell anyone the rest of the story?" she asked and made Ron laugh, not giving her an answer.

Y/N snickered and tightened her grip onto his arm, "i asked you a fucking question Weasley." she gritted her teeth and got much closer to Rons face.

Ron still just laughed and refused to look her in the eye, shaking his head. y/n licked her lips and nodded her head, "alright. you left out the part of Harry literally almost murdering my brother in the bathroom. You also left out the part where Harry followed me everywhere for weeks because he was convinced i was the one who cursed katie." she finally let go of his arm and shoved him back.

"and i never tried to murder him, i beat his ass and he was dramatic about it." y/n walked out of the front door, slamming it shut behind her.

Ron huffed and stormed upstairs also slamming his bedroom door shut, making dust fall off of shelfs and the ceiling. George of course ran after his girlfriend, "y/n wait up!" he shouted but she didn't stop, he sped up and finally caught up to her. She looked more than angry which kind of worried him, "i'm going home." she said with an expressionless face.

George stopped running and looked at her, "what?" he asked in a whisper. "can't you see?! i don't belong here George! I don't deserve you! your family has made it very fucking clear to me." she screamed and threw up her arms, her eyes glossy from forming tears. George grabbed her shoulders and shook his head no, "you can't leave.." he whispered.

"but why should i be here if they don't like me? Find a girl they like, stop faking your happiness." she looked away from George and wiped a tear from her eye. George held her tighter, "darling no.. i want you. i'm only happy with you, i'm not faking it!" his face went all soft but he could slowly feel tears forming in his eyes.

The girl just laughed and looked at the ground, fiddling with her fingers and shrugging. "I don't believe that for a second George. They'll turn you against me eventually." she choked back a sob and gave a weak smile. George pulled her in for a hug and rubbed her back, "i'm not letting you anywhere that easily.." he murmured and threw her over his shoulder.

y/n squealed "georgie!" she shouted, "put me down now weasley!" she added and hit his back a few times with her fists. He didn't listen though he just ran back to the house and up to his room, ignoring anything his family had to say. He got up to his room and kicked the door closed behind him finally setting down his girlfriend who was quietly giggling.

George smiled at her, that was the first time he had heard her laugh since they've been here. It made his heart flutter "see. i told you that you aren't going anywhere." he also laughed and sat down on the bed, pulling her into his lap. She smiled and buried her face into his chest, wrapping her arms around his waist. "i love you." she muttered softly.


After a week the family started warming up to y/n and being more accepting of her. This made George extremely happy, not only did he prove his girlfriend right but his girlfriend also proved herself to them.


a/n: i've been getting a lot of support lately and i just wanna say i appreciate it so much. All the votes and nice comments left on the short stories make my day a lot better.

I'll keep this book going for as long as you guys kee reading it. were getting closer to #1. i love you guys <3

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