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wedding au!

Today was the day. You were about to get married to the love of your life, George Weasley. You couldn't believe it you didn't think you would ever get married or even have a fancy wedding since you were never that girl people usually fell for. To your surprise though George Weasley proved you wrong and he was quite proud of himself for doing so.

The days leading up to the wedding were just full of anxiety and overthinking, constantly asking Molly, Fred, Ron, Ginny, Mione, and Harry if George was actually sure it was you who he wanted to marry. they all kept telling you yes but that voice inside your head kept making you second guess all of them, you actually deprived yourself of sleep these last 4 days just thinking and worrying about it.

Even though everyone knew George was head over heels for you, your brain just wouldn't allow you to believe it and you hated it. Of course you didn't want to worry or upset George with these thoughts so you kept them to yourself and held back on asking if he really still wanted to marry you. The other thing about getting married that made you sick to your stomach most nights was the fact that your parents wouldn't be there, watching you marry the man who made you happiest.

As a child you always told aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon how "mommy and daddy would be the first people i invite to my wedding." not knowing that they weren't actually on a very long trip to the bahamas. It crushed you when your brother finally told you the actual truth about what happened because those dreams were now shattered. You wished they could be there sitting in the front row smiling at you while you said your wedding vows.

Growing up without parents was tough but Molly, Arthur, Sirius, Tonks, and Remus fit the roles just perfectly. They were going to be there to see you marry the man who makes you happiest, to smile at you while you said your wedding vows, just like James and Lilly would do. I mean after all they were the ones who made Christmas feel like christmas, birthdays feel like birthdays, they were so proud of you for every little achievement, and were always there when you needed someone.

That made up for not having Parents like all the other kids and really thats what kept you from not avada kedavra-ing yourself if you were being fairly honest.

-time skip-

"are you ready dear?" Molly smiled at you excitedly while poofing out your dress. "Kind of nervous but yeah i'm ready.." you smiled back at her reassuringly.

Hermione, Ginny, Luna, and Molly were your bridesmaids who were the first down the isle. Then next were Georges best mans; Harry, Ron, Fred, and Arthur. Last but not least you were the last person who needed to walk down the isle.. you took a deep breath and clutched onto your flowers tightly stepping outside onto the carpet. You tried your best to hold in tears as you examined the crowd while trying not to trip over your own dress, everyone looked so happy watching you make your way to your soon to be husband.

You didn't start crying until you looked over at George who was smiling ear to ear trying not to cry himself. Tears streamed down your face as you finally made your way to the front, placing yourself infront of George who looked way to happy to be looking at you. Hermione took the flowers from your hand and smiled at you, you smiled back before placing your hands in Georges who blushed at contact. You giggled softly and listened to the pastor as he spoke for all to hear, George looked as if he was trying to focus but he struggled, he literally could not take his eyes off of you.

Sooner or later the pastor asked each of you to speak your wedding vows, you going first because George was shy. You cleared your throat and took a deep breath..

"wow has it really been 9 years? i can't believe it.. 9 years with someone who everyone told me was a player and warned me that this was the most horrific choice i could possibly make, but they were wrong. They didn't know that in 1st year we were best of friends, 2nd year we watched all of our siblings arrive hoping they wouldn't get in the way of things, 3rd year we both made the quidditch team and failed potions exams which was when we finally realized that we loved eachother. Even though both of us were too scared to admit it to eachother you George Weasley finally came to it and asked me to be your girlfriend. I had some of the best memories with you and i can't wait to make many more with your handsome face, through all the tears, arguments, really crappy jokes.. these will be the best years of my life. I love you."

by the end the whole crowd were in tears, you yourself were trying not to ruin the makeup you had on that was very expensive, and George sucked at holding his shit together. When the time came for Georges vows he refused saying it wasn't the best thing he wrote and he really didn't feel like fighting back tears for the rest of it. What he really wanted to do though was kiss you and then possibly shag you right after if he could but he knew you guys still had hours to go.

The pastor simply nodded and smiled at the two of you. "George weasley, do you take y/n potter to be your lawfully wedded wife?" he said loudly looking at George, who nodded proudly "i do." he said softly. "y/n potter, do you take George Weasley to be your lawfully wedded husband?" he turned his head to look at you. You smiled "i do." you tried your best not to laugh at the stupid grin forming across your now husbands face.

"you may now kiss the bride-"

you don't even think the pastor finished his sentence before George grabbed you and met your lips to his roughly like he hadn't been kissed in days. Which was technically true since Molly has a "no kissing two days before the wedding" policy which George absolutely hated. The kiss lasted for quite some time before George pulled away and laughed at the bright blush across your cheeks "shut up asshole." you said quitely so only George could hear through the cheering crowd.

A/N: So little side note; if you do not like what i write DO NOT BOTHER TO COMMENT!! i don't need comments that make me seriously reconsider unpublishing this book. thank you.

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