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You and Fred sat cuddled up on the couch infront of the fireplace at his moms house. Since it was the holiday and you hated going home you would just stay with your boyfriend the whole christmas break. Angelina however was also staying over, Freds ex, since her family wasn't going to be home all christmas and it was just easier for her.

Over the last few days Angelina and Fred had started seeming alot closer than they were when they first broke up, which as his girlfriend made you suspicious and nervous. You didn't like bothering him though and you didn't want to make it seem like you didn't trust him, or that you were insecure, maybe her and Fred just talked over their problems and started a friendship.

You didn't really worry about it as much at first until Fred would choose hanging out with Angelina over his own girlfriend. The only thing that really didn't change was Freds seperation anxiety from you which you took as a good sign.. or so you thought. You got up the next morning hopping down the stairs to see what Molly was cooking for breakfast but instead of seeing Molly at the stove, she was looming over Fred in a chair who looked seemingly upset.

You raised your eyebrow and walked over to her slowly "mrs weasley? what happened?" you asked curiously looking over at Fred. She smacked her lips together and grew more angrier, "Fred here was caught kissing another girl by his own two brothers.." she glared at him. Fred took notice to this and flinched a tiny bit and when he tried to defend himself all that came out was what sounded like a whimper.

You couldn't believe it you were right all along and your suspicions turned into the truth. You didn't know what to say to him, you were hurt and betrayed, it was even more so the fact that he did it at his own house.. like he wanted to be caught. You could tell Molly was hurt as well.. not only because her son cheated on what she considered her future daughter in law but because that would mean she wouldn't see so much of you now. She looked like she wanted to cry but held up infront of you and Fred and before she could change your mind about staying you ran upstairs and started packing your things.

You assumed Fred would stay in his little chair of guilt but instead he ran after you and tried to rip the suit case out of your hand. "Get off of me Fred.." you said not making eye contact with him and stuffing your close into your luggage messily, "y/n if you would just listen for a moment!" he finally got it out of your hands. "no you listen Fred! you cheated on me with the one person you HATED!" you still didn't make any eye contact with him but you were crying.

Fred didn't say anything he just looked at you trying to figure out something, "i trusted you, i-i let my guard down for you! opened up to you! for merlins sake Freddie i lost my virginity to you! and this is what you do?" you scoffed and ripped the suit case back out of his hand. "real pathetic Fred real pathetic." you zipped it up and started walking out the door but before you could he grabbed your wrist and pulled you towards him. "can you just hear me out.. please?" his voice cracked and his eyes were desperately searching yours for forgiveness.

"no Fred i'm done hearing you stupid little excuses because you know what?" you wiped your tears and freed yourself from his grip, "i don't need you." you gritted your teeth and ran down the stairs looking at everyone who was gathered in the living room. Of course all their attention turned to you and their faces went from smiles to looks of terror. "i'll be seeing you guys out.. uhm i don't think its good for me to stay here anymore. See you all back at school." you smiled weakly and walked out the front door ignoring all of their questions and begs.

You found Molly sitting by the garden but she wasn't doing any gardening she was on her knees and sobbing softly. It broke your heart to have to leave but it was your only choice if she wanted two twins and not just one by dawn. You quickly made your way over to her and bent down next to her, wrapping an arm over her shoulders, "i'm sorry dear.. i didn't raise Fred to be like that.." she cried harder than anyone had ever seen her cry. You began to tear up some more and tried your best to comfort her without turning into a sobbing mess with her. "Molly this isn't your fault.. this is Freds. You know i love you to peices and you will always be my favorite witch." you smiled softly trying to get her to do the same.

You succeeded and patted yourself on the back mentally. "i'm sorry i can't be your future daughter in law anymore but i will always be your second daughter." you sniffled and rubbed her back reassuringly. Molly looked up at you and pulled you into a tight hug "you're still welcomed to stay whenever you want.. i even give you permission to smack the crap out of Fred." she laughed through her tears and pulled away. You nodded "Family forever mrs. Weasley." you smiled and stood up grabbing your things, walking away without looking back at the burrow.

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