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side note: i know Fred dies in the series and i also know if you oblivated your memories you wipe them all and not just a specific few. Just pretend for the sake of the story.

Fred jolted up from his bed in tears and sweat dripping down his face. His breathing was fast and his heart felt like it was beating out of his chest, touching anything near him to make sure he was awake and still not having a nightmare.

He looked around the room at the boys who were all peacefully asleep in their beds, snoring or mumbling in their sleep. Taking a few deep breaths and laying himself back down, staring at the ceiling and his hands folded on his chest.

As much as he tried though, he couldn't go back to sleep. Everytime he closed his eyes the nightmare would start over and over again. He hated it a lot, but he hated telling anyone about these nightmares even more because he always felt like he was going to get judged.

The only person who actually knew was his girlfriend y/n. The only person Fred could actually trust with the nightmares and the only person he felt comfortable with telling because, he knew y/n wouldn't judge him. Not even his own family knew, specifically because as a child his nightmares were always blown off, told to go back to bed.

The nightmares didn't start back up again until after George had died from the battle of Hogwarts. His therapist would often tell him it was ptsd and grief from losing a loved one and seeing so many die that day. His therapist also said there was really no way to stop these nightmares unless he went to a mind healer, or completely obliviated these memories.

Fred refused to do so though because he didn't want to loose any last memories of his brother George, even though they were the ones of him dying, he missed him too much to wipe them permanently. {Y/N} often pushed him and tried to encourage him to do it but he would tell her no every single time.

Of course she understood why but she also understood that it would help majorly, sooth Fred and his mind. After all however, y/n wanted Fred to do what was best for Fred and whatever he chose to do she would continue to support him all the way through it, and help him if he needed it.


Fred swung his feet over the bed and stood up, grabbing his blanket and making his way over to the girls dormitory. Tiredly pushing the door open and looking for his girlfriend who mysteriously wasn't in her bed.. he raised an eyebrow and turned back around exiting the room.

He walked down the stairs with a bit of a stomp, looking over at the couch and smiling when he spotted his girl. He drug himself over there and sat onto the couch, laying his head in her lap and immediately closing his eyes again.

The girl smiled and started playing with his hair, "mind telling me what it was about darling?" she asked in a soft whisper with the light of the fire bouncing off of her. Fred shook his head slowly but y/n insisted he tell her to get his mind off of it, but he told her no once more and buried his head into her lap.

She chuckled lightly, "alright love.. go back to bed." she cooed and kissed the top of his head. Fred smiled warmly and fell back asleep, happy to have his girlfriend there to comfort him when no one else could.

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