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A/N: Haha so this is a re-do chapter because i kind of fucked up the one i had written before so forgive me for that.

It was a late saturday night and you woke to an empty bed, like every night for the past two weeks. It was getting fusturating because your boyfriend George seemed to be disappearing at the same time of night everyday and he wouldn't tell you where he was going. Prior to this he seemed to be getting a lot more distant and aggravated which was unlike him, he stopped kissing you as much, cuddling with you at night, and stopped having sex with you.

This made you extremely upset and you had your reasons to be, why would your boyfriend be disappearing at night and getting more distant while not giving you a reason? You've decided you have had it with him so you took matters into your own hands and went looking for him. To your surprise he was easy to find but you didn't like what you found him doing, he sat there with a girl talking to her at first it seemed like a friendly interaction but not five minutes after that he leaned in for a kiss.

Your heartbeat suddenly stopped for a quick minute taking you by surprise. When you moved closer to get a better look at the girl you realized it was that same 4th year hufflepuff who kept flirting with him in potions. When it got more heated you covered your eyes and ran back to the dorm just deciding you would go back to sleep and forget it ever happened, but you couldn't sleep. The image of George kissing that girl kept popping up in your head and you couldn't get rid of it, you couldn't believe your boyfriend was cheating on you.

You ended up crying yourself to sleep that night not being able to come to terms it was George who kissed her. The next morning you awoke to George beside you acting as if he didn't sneak out and cheat on you. Instead of kissing him on the cheek in the
morning like you usually did you just got up and got dressed immediately. He must've heard the shuffling because he yawned and looked at you "no morning kiss?" he chuckled and sat up as well. You just shook your head and grabbed your things "I won't be at breakfast today." you mumbled and opened the door, he stood up and grabbed you by the waist in which you jerked away and cleared your throat.

His eyebrows furrowed and his lips went sideways "y/n, darling, whats wrong?" he asked innocently, you shrugged "don't touch me with the hands you touched that hufflepuff with." you huffed and walked out the door quickly heading down the stairs. He caught you by the wrist on the stairs "what?" his voice spiked a high pitch "oh don't act stupid George i saw you kiss her last night." you glared and pulled your wrist away from him. The act he was playing quickly fell through "i'm sorry.." was all that came from his mouth, you rolled your eyes "sorrys not going to cut it Weasley." you stormed off and made your way to the girls dormatory.

You looked around for Hermione and Ginny which you found them sitting on the edge of Ginnys bed "there you guys are." you said in a relief. They turned and looked at you "its weird seeing you here" Ginny laughed, you tried your best to laugh with her because you didn't want Ginny to be mad at her brother. Hermione knew something was up though because Ginny was right, you never spent time in the girls dormatory since you were always with george.

"y/n?" Hermione stood up slowly.

"Yeah Mione?" you bit your lip nervously and hoped you wouldn't have to tell them what happened, knowing their reaction.

"Be truthful and honest with us, why are you here?" you chuckled and turned around to check yourself out in the mirror "just wanted to visit." you lied.

"Y/N we know theres another reason." Ginny chimed in and placed her hand on your shoulder. You sighed shamefully and turned around "Ginny, Mione.. try to take this lightly.."

Weasley twins x y/n Where stories live. Discover now