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You paced around your dorm nervously, George Weasley had just asked you to the yule ball and your dress was bloody hideous! at least you thought so. You had told George numerous times he'd be embarrassed to even be seen with you but he wouldn't stop the "I would never be embarrassed to be seen with you." Bullcrap. You were so anxious.. not only about Georges reaction to the dress but everyone elses as well, "you have two hours to get ready y/n." your bestfriend mione had come up behind you.

You jumped a tiny bit out of fear "Mione you startled me!" you playfully swatted her shoulder. She laughed and laid your dress on the bed "just so it doesn't crinkle up." you took a quick glance at it and sighed "Mione wheres your boyfriend?" she looked over at you "With harry in the great hall." you nodded and grabbed the dress walking out. You made sure to hide the dress with Harrys invisibility cloak until you got to the great hall "Ronald!" you called out and Ron looked up at you and raised an eyebrow.

You rushed over to him and took the cloak off of the dress "is that my invisibility-" Harry said but you cut him off "shut up potter. Ron would your brother George like this?" Harry rolled his eyes and Ron shrugged. You threw your head back and groaned "Bloody brilliant, his own little brother can't even help me." you mumbled to yourself as you walked off very quickly. Both boys looked at eachother and shrugged, without any answers it left you wondering if you should just cancel on him but you couldn't do that.. you've liked George since 3rd year.. this is your only chance.

You threw the dress down and sat on the side of your bed "First chance i get with the man i've liked since 3rd year and i'm about to screw it up in an hour.." you talked to yourself which only made the feeling worse. You took a deep breath and looked at your mirror, standing up to go change in your bathroom.

You walked out and tried to crack a smile at yourself, Hermione also walked in, looking stunning in her dress. You smiled as you started doing your hair "Oh Hermione you look gorgeous.." she giggled "so do you." you slipped in the last bobby pin and bit your lip "do you think George will like it?" you picked up a makeup brush as Hermione nodded "he'll fall head over heels for you y/n." you giggled and put some blush on. When you were both done the boys knocked on the dorm, both you and Hermione looked at each other and started laughing.

As soon as your laughing fit finished you walked up to the door shaking slightly "girls hurry up." Ron said impaitently on the otherside of the door. You opened the door and looked at George who looked extremely handsome "wow y/n.." his eyes seemed to light up and his cheeks tinted with a pink color. You watched Hermione and Ron leave so now it was just you and George who were both drooling by now "we should u-um get going.." you giggled and took ahold of his arm.

He led you to the dance hall and immediately pulled you out onto the dance floor as you both started to slow dance. He smiled and pulled you close "you look absolutely stunning.." your breath hitched and your cheeks heated up "you George Weasley look incredibly handsome.." he giggled shyly and squeezed your hand. Your mind was fogged up you couldn't think about anything else except George and you right now, you weren't dating but you could tell the feelings were mutal.

Towards the end of the song George pulled away and stared at you for a moment "hey y/n?" you looked him in the eyes and smiled "yes weasley?" he went silent, there were no words coming from his mouth. You grew confused and raised an eyebrow but before you could say anymore George lifted your chin and kissed you slowly, Harry, Ginny, Hermione, and Ron started cheering "he did it!" you heard Fred say from a distance. You couldn't help but laugh and pull away.

George pouted his lip "kiss me love.." he pulled you in for another kiss which you instantly melted into. After a moment you pulled away because you knew you couldn't kiss forever "this is one hell of a day.." you smiled "you better enjoy it because you're going to be my girlfriend after this." you blushed heavily and giggled awkwardly.

You nodded and kissed his cheek "i'll gladly accept the offer Georgie."

Weasley twins x y/n Where stories live. Discover now