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You turned around seeing George staring Fred down angrily. You tugged on Freds sleeve making him turn around swiftly "yes dar-" he noticed George and looked up "hey george." he said plainly and continuing into the library. George followed behind the both of you scoffing "really Fred? you're getting back at me by taking my girl?" he shouted causing you to flinch.

But you didn't hold back. "your girl? George you cheated on me. We're done. go swap spit with that hufflepuff." you rolled your eyes and he whimpered at those words "y/n please give me another chance.." he begged and begged almost looking like he was about to cry.

"really y/n i regret it! please i'll make it up to you!" he reached out for you but you declined his plead.

"sorry George but no." you said turned around and pulling Fred into the library by his tie, smirking at him. Fred bit his lip and chased your lips which made you giggle.

"desperate are we?" you sat on a desk and pulled him closer to you. "I just want you to know i'll treat you right." he slid his hand between your inner thigh "and you won't regret it.." he whispered in your ear making you shudder.

"prove it weasley." was the only thing you could say in response. He nodded "give me a week and i will." he backed up and smiled at you, kissing your cheek.

"goodnight love." he said softly as he walked away. Fred Weasley left you there on a desk blushing like an absolute idiot. You couldn't believe it.

-the next day-

You awoke to a knock on the door bright and early. Groaning and turning over tiredly "if you're George Weasley go away." you said demandingly, standing up and putting on your reading glasses. A sweet voice on the other side smacked their lips together "no no darling, its me, Fred." making you smile and walk over to the door. When you opened it though, George was on the other side, he didn't hesitate to push his way through and force his lips onto yours.

You squirmed and tried pulling away but his force keeping you in one spot was impossible to get out of. "George-" you said muffled in between kisses "Stop-!" you tried pushing him away once more but it was no use, finally though, you got him off and luckily it was before Fred actually walked in "George Weasley! we are over! don't you EVER DO THAT AGAIN!" you shouted and ran into the bathroom.

Fred walked in and raised an eyebrow at his brother "George.. what did you do?" he crept in and George shrugged "i don't know? she invited me up here and then kissed me." he lied which you heard from the bathroom walls and gasped, storming out "I DID NOT KISS YOU! YOU MIMICKED YOUR BROTHERS VOICE AND THEN FORCED YOURSELF ONTO ME WEASLEY!" you yelled louder causing Ginny and Hermione to walk in. Fred was unsure of who to believe but prior to George cheating you, he took your side "sorry george but i have to believe her. She told you that she was done with you and when she says something she means it." he stated firmly wrapping a hand around your waist.

You smiled in relief and looked at Mione and Ginny who were nodding in agreement. "get the hell out of my dorm George." you crossed your arms and leaned into Fred who pulled you closer, George huffed and hurried out, Mione and Ginny followinh after him angrily. Fred on the other hand closed the door twisting the lock, smirking.

"Fred Weasley what do you think you're-" he lifted you up making you squeal and laugh. "shhh darling.." he hovered over you, brushing your lips slightly.

"Fred we have cl-" you were cut off once again with a moan escaping from your own lips, you realized this was because Fred kissed your neck and sucked on your sweet spot. He chuckled and looked at you "found it.." he teased, you blushed heavily. After trying to tell him about classes and it failing you just gave up and decided to let him have it his way.

He kept nipping and biting and your skin when finally he looked up at you "do you wanna go futher dear..?" you nodded a little too quickly "Fred do whatever you please.." you said softly and laid your head back on the pilllow, leaving your body to Fred in full trust. You began to have second thoughts though as he kissed down your body suddenly sitting up, leaving Fred confused.

"you're not just going to use me for sex right? y-you actually like me right? you're not going to shag me and then cheat on me right?" you panicked and breathed heavily looking at the tall ginger walking around to the other side of the bed.

He sat down and wrapped his arms around you, resting his chin on the top of your head. "y/n.. i have actual feelings for you.. and i can prove that." he took a deep breath "that night George asked you out infront of me. Y/N he knew i liked you because i told him i planned on asking you out the next day." you looked at him and pouted your bottom lip a bit.

"Freddie why didn't you tell me?" you cupped his cheeks. "because he threatned to tell dumbledore i was the master mind of a prank we pulled." he looked down but you immediately brought his face back up. "y/n i truly have feelings for you. I adore you i really do." he kissed you softly as you smiled.

"well Fred Weasley.. i love you just as much." you giggled and blushed, looking at the sweet smile that crept onto his face. "Give me a chance and be my girlfriend.. i'll show you." you nodded excitedly.

"i thought you'd never ask."

Weasley twins x y/n Where stories live. Discover now