Fred pt. 2

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((someone suggested it!))

Fred had taken much longer off of work than he had said he would but y/n didn't mind it much, alone time with her husband, sounded like a dream. They were on their way to the burrow to drop the kids off for a week and a half, "i'm sure uncle ron would be so happy to see you, aunt Ginny too!" y/n said as she turned to look back at the kids.

The kids smiled and continued playing with their toys, y/n turned back around and glanced at Fred with a big smile. Although Fred pretended he hadn't noticed, he couldn't help but smile back at her, seeing her happy made him extremely happy. He placed one hand on her thigh and the other was on the steering wheel, his eyes glued to the clouds making sure not to hit any birds.

Y/N smiled and played with his fingers while humming to herself, "are we almost thereeee?" Elizabeth whined from the back seat. Fred looked at her from the mirror and nodded "yes sweetheart." he responded. It was a long car ride to the burrow considering that the only flat Fred and y/n could afford was further away than what Molly and them had wanted.

Arthur offered to pay for a closer flat but the married couple refused, saying he needed to use his money on himself and his family that still lived at home. Of course Molly and Arthur understood but when it came time for the two to officially move out, it hit them hard. Molly basically raised y/n when her father abandoned her after returning from her first year at Hogwarts.

She was happy that her kids could meet Molly and Arthur and experience the same childhood she had. She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't even realize they had made it to the burrow, until Fred squeezed her thigh a few times, making her snap back to reality. She opened the car door and climbed out, breathing in the fresh air and smiling at the sight of the burrow.

Fred got the childrens bags out of the trunk and walked over to his wife, wrapping an arm around her shoulder and walking with her to the house, the kids running infront of them. Molly, Ron, Ginny, Arthur, and George were all waiting at the front, smiling at the kids and smiling even bigger when y/n and Fred walked into eye sight.

Fred unwrapped his arms and handed the bags over to Arthur who placed them inside, Molly engufled {y/n} in a tight hug, "i haven't seen you in ages dear!" she shouted joyfully. y/n smiled "so glad to see you again Molly." she said softly, earning a chuckle from the older woman.

Fred and George hugged for awhile, "never thought you'd come around again Freddie." George joked and punched his shoulder playfully. Fred laughed and hit George back, "of course i would, can't leave the fam hanging forever." he responded with a soft grin.

Molly and Arthur showed the kids inside, "can't you two come in for tea for a bit?" she asked looking at Fred and y/n who were preparing to leave, "wish we could mum but we got dinner plans later." said Fred, waving goodbye to his parents, y/n waving shortly after him.

Molly nodded "see you in a week and a half!" she shouted and closed the door, Fred and y/n walking back to the car hand in hand. Fred looked at y/n who seemed to be feeling a little uneasy about leaving the kids, "darling, the kids will be alright." he said in a reassuring tone.

Y/N shrugged "its not that.. i feel bad for leaving them. I don't want them thinking they're too much to handle." she admitted in a sad tone, climbing into the passenger seat. Fred got into the drivers side and closed his door, "parents need breaks too. They won't think that." his voice was soft and calm, making y/ns stomach flutter.

They got home to the flat, entering and crashing on the couch together. "nap before dinner?" Fred hummed and snuggled closer to y/n, she of course agreed and laid her head on Freds chest, listening to his heart beat. She closed her eyes and fell asleep slowly.


Fred of course was the first one awake, admiring y/n while she slept, falling in love with her all over again. Her messy hair and the light snores that escaped her mouth as she slept, and the way she cuddled up to him was just all too adorable.

He tried getting up to take a shower but y/n tightened her grip on his waist, "stay." she whined in a sleepy voice. The tall ginger laughed and tried to get up once more but y/n whined again "nooo!" her voice was drousey and groggily sounding.

"i have to take a shower, i don't wanna stink at dinner." he joked but y/n shook her head and pulled herself closer to him, "you're not leaving me." she said earning a deep sigh from Fred, knowing she had won. "darling please?" he asked but she shook her head, "what if we just have a fancy dinner date here? i don't see the reason in wasting money for shitty restaurant food.." she said with a sour tone.

Her boyfriend nodded in agreement, "fine, but i'm cooking." he demanded and laughed at the way y/n groaned. "but-" she began to argue but Fred cut her off with a kiss, "let me cook.. and you'll get a special treat later." he whispered in her ear in a seductive tone.

y/n shuddered and nodded quickly "kitchens all yours big man." her voice was excited but you could tell she tried to hide it. Fred stood up and walked into the kitchen, tying his apron around his waist and taking out everything he needed in order to cook.


Dinner was done.

Fred managed to cook a full course meal without burning the house down, which of course made the two of them very happy. Fred walked out of the kitchen, "you go get a pretty dress on that i'll probably just rip off later, while i set everything up?" he suggested with a cheesy smile.

Y/N chuckled and stood up, making her way to the bedroom, her cheeks a heated pink from Freds previous comments. She closed the door behind her and opened up her closet that she shared with him, scanning it until she had found her sparkling, red dress. Y/N smiled and grabbed it, slipping it on very quickly.

She walked out slowly, back into the living room and into Freds eye sight. He turned to look at her and his jaw dropped, his eyes got caught in a trance, "oh my merlin.." he said with disbelief in his tone. "y/n you look so bloody amazing.." he whispered and walked over to her, forgetting about the food.

Y/N giggled and looked down at the dress and then back up at Fred, "you really think so?" she asked genuinely as her nerves calmed down a bit. Fred nodded slowly and looked up to meet her eyes, "i bloody know so.." his voice was breathy and he looked like he was about to drool over himself.

Before he could do much y/n shoved him away lightly, "calm down weasley, we still have dinner to eat. dessert comes later.." she winked and sat down on one of the chairs. She saw Fred throw his head back and groan "dessert now, dinner laterrr?" he was desperate and she could tell, it turned her on but she liked teasing Fredrick Weasley.

She shook her head and poured wine into both glasses, "didn't your mother ever tell you to eat all of your dinner, and then you get dessert.." she teased again and pushed Fred away as he tried to come up behind her. He let out a quiet whine and sat down at the other end of the table, "fine.." he complained and took a sip of his wine.

Y/N also took a sip of her wine and cut into the pork Fred had made, filling her fork up with a few veggies as well. Every once and awhile she would catch Fred staring at her instead of eating his food, it made y/n blush but she wouldn't admit it.. she just wanted to be stubborn. She knew how much it angered Fred.


Eventually the two had finished their dinner and drinks, cleaning up after themselfs and setting the dishes in the sink. Fred stood in the corner of the kitchen while y/n finished wiping up, licking his lips and following every move she made.

She turned around and smirked at Fred, "what?" she asked and rested against the counter. Her husband bit his lip and looked her in the eyes, "please let me rip that dress off of you.." he said in a desperate tone, walking closer towards y/n.

"mmmm go take a shower, than we'll talk." she laughed but Fred suddenly wrapped his hand around her neck, "i get what i want, when i want it." he said with a growl escaping the back of his throat. y/n nodded immediately and kissed him with lust and passion.

"all yours for the night." she whispered.

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