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this is more modern day hogwarts!

George sat at his computer with piles and piles of papers next to him, glasses on his face and his buttoned up shirt slowly becoming unbuttoned by the hour. He had been up most of the night with a bunch of work overwhelming him and needing to be due the next day which stressed him out even more.

His girlfriend y/n also found herself overwhelmed with work. She had been working late nights everyday since all of the other witches kept calling off. She had paper after paper to work on, meeting after meeting that would last hours, and she even had to interview new employees most days.

Both parties found themselfs extremely exhausted and stressed out due to work which meant they never had anymore nights alone with eachother. It was devastating but neither of them wanted to both the other about it. They had the same routine everynight, y/n would come home, order food, George would take a shower, eat, then head to bed.

She would do the same, eat, take a shower after George, and also head to bed. Molly and Arthur became worried the two would eventually split because even on their days off they seemed incredibly distant. Ron, Ginny, Percy, and Fred also noticed this, but everytime someone brought it up George and y/n would reassure them that they were just exhausted and busy with work.

George did however notice she had a short temper which would make them fight a lot more than they used to. This made George worry at night before falling asleep.. he didn't want to split up but he didn't know if y/n thought the same. He loved her dearly and it would absolutely tear through him if he had to let her go because of some silly fights they had. He decided he would ask her about it once she got home because the thought often stopped him from focusing on his actual work.


y/n opened the door and unzipped her jacket, hanging it up on one of the hooks next to the door itself. George turned around and stood up, walking towards her, "hows work going George?" she asked yawning and walking into the kitchen. George sighed "we need to talk." he stated demandingly making his girlfriend lose color in her face, "is everything alright..?" she slowly made her way back to the living room where George was standing.

He cleared his throat and pulled her closer to him. "you know how we've been arguing a lot?" he asked, seeing the nervous look in y/n's face nodding "w-well i'm just worried you're going to want to split up.." he blurted out and looked down at the floor. The female infront of him made a small gasping noise almost like she was shocked, "Georgie.. I could never let you go." she cupped his face with her hands forcing him to look up at her.

He bit his lip nervously "y/n please don't lie to me.." there was a crack in his voice which made his girlfriend start to tear up. "i don't know why you would think such a thing. I love you to death." she wiped the falling tears off of her cheek with her sweater sleeve and sighed "i love you too damn much to let you go." she exclaimed and kissed him softly. They hadn't kissed in such a long time which was a feeling they both missed, butterflies swarmed within Georges stomach making a smile grow on his face as he kissed back.

They pulled away for oxygen and chuckled at eachother "lets go cuddle on the love seat darling." George said taking y/n by the hand and pulling her over to the couch. She giggled and landed on top of him but before she could move George wrapped his lengthy arms around her tightly, "you're not going anywhere" he whispered and kissed her cheek making y/n blush once more.

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